Moments of Connection and Empowerment: A Reflection on a Political Convention

How’s your egg bite?
Good. On a very big plane.
Okay, we’re in Chicago.
We’re going to get our credentials.
I’m already annoying you. It’s been an hour.
I made it through security.
Excuse me.
Sorry. I’m sorry.
Yeah, let’s go.
Keep moving. I’m with you.
Thank you for fighting the death penalty.
Forgot just a nice little.
Wow, that looks delicious. Tessa,
it’s my son, Gideon.
Hi, Brian.
Good to meet you. I love Joe Biden.
He did all he could, but I’m 71.
And every day we wake up with something else that hurts.
And so he went right to the
where everybody gets older in different ways.
And he knew when the moment came to say,
here’s the baton. Take us to the finish line.
She was ready. Like that guy?
No, I’m just here as me. Mandy.
This is how the Mandy recharges.
What are you doing here? How are you feeling?
You know, what are you excited about?
Sir? Sir?
Sir! You talking to me?
Is he with you? Yeah,
this is my stuff.
Thank you. Nice fan.
Just remember, that’s how I can easily get rid of you.
Are these your friends at this table?
Every one of them. These are my friends here.
This is everybody who wanted to be with me.
Lonely, lonely table.
Yeah, politics is lonely.
Gable! Gable! Gable! Gable! Gable!
Gable! Gable! Gable! Gable!
Gable! Gable!
Gable! Gable! Gable!
Gable! Gable! Gable!
The Miller Band! Who’s the Head of the International Rescue Committee.
I’ve got them all. I’ve got everything,
whatever it’s worth. Cherise Davids.
I represent the Kansas 3rd Congressional District.
I’m the executive director of the Vermont Democratic Party.
I’m the chair of the North Dakota Democratic Party. Chair.
He is the president. President of the American Progress.
But let me tell you how much of a fan of yours I am.
I’m such a fan of yours
that I sat up one night and watched an old documentary that you’re in
where you describe your affinity for hamlet.
Oh, my god.
I remember that was a kid,
he said, oh,
his son went to school with your cousin.
Do you know Torbin Milky? Oh,
my god. Politics.
My name is Will Watson. I’m from Arkansas.
And you’re the state chair in Arkansas?
I’m the state political director in Arkansas,
yes, sir.
So, my name is Susan Swecker.
I’m a chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Virginia.
They just a few years ago got the only congressional seat in Alaska,
and it was held by 49 years by a Republican.
And we flipped it Democrat.
Y’all did? And they beat Sarah Palin in the process.
Yeah. Amazing.
Yes. We got Mary Pelto elected in 2022.
First time a Democrat elected that seat in 49 years. Wow.
Get on the elevator.
There you go.
Okay, man.
Take care.
Um, so we’re here with Olivia Juliana.
I’m 21 years old. It’s my first convention.
It’s my first time voting in A presidential election.
It’s Christine Hunchowski.
Um, born and raised in Boston.
I was the mayor of Parkland
when we had our shooting in Parkland in 2018.
Hey, folks,
my name is Anderson Clayton.
I’m the youngest state party chair in the country.
Okay, great. Yeah. And which state?
We need change! We need change!
We need change! We need change! We need change!
We need change!
Alright, so we’re in the cab.
We’re in the cab after the convention
and we’re talking to our driver here.
What’s your name, man?
My name is Joseph. Joseph? Yeah.
You’re just telling us that you’re excited about the election
and helping Kamala win and you giving money every week?
Yeah, I give you every week.
50 bucks every week. And.
And you’re saying. And this week I’ve. I’ve.
I’ve made a hundred dollar contribution.
Wow. Yeah.
Good for you. Yeah.
That’s amazing.
Do you feel like people are talking to each other,
encouraging each other to get out to vote?
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! And making a plan,
making sure they’re registered,
all that? Oh yeah!
Oh yeah! Oh, yeah!
How was the day for you? It was great.
Yeah, really great.
One of the most moving experiences I’ve ever experienced. Why?
Um, I just thought
all those people coming together to try to do something positive,
to change people’s lives all over the world,
and it was really palpable.
You gonna open the car?
Oh. Boy.
Okay. Oh, yeah. Let’s go.
Home, sweet home.
Home, sweet home.
We’re back. I gotta put the dog food into my car.
Hello. Hello.
Say hi. Say hi to your brother, baby.
Come here, come here,
come here, come here,
come here. Oh. Oh,
you go. Oh,
you got to do baby to go. Boo!