Exploring Cultural Beliefs and Traditions: A Reflection on Marriage, Religion, and Stability

I don’t believe in one life. It’s not our culture. It’s not our tradition. It’s not who we are. This I imported things is good. What Jesus cannot do does not exist. Religion has.

Ross lovcen ada yang manis site in the comfort of home and my son, no to bring. Wah covid forex itu baru sesi aku sampai got your first salary isyfa ada notif pasto. Dan itu position ya reva api semi fifty tahun. It’s very urgent. What should I be getting? I never knew anything about divorce until we came to Legos. Professor Dan, the married Dan Divorson. The day you give aniboman the president. Thank you, my.

Uncle. Thank you. You have spoken so well. Your face fruit, your face salary is for your biological father, not for your man of God, not for your spiritual father. He said it all. And most evil men don’t believe in a, in a one wife. You understand? My father married them, eh, for, and I can tell you that it’s an easy thing. But, you know, this is something that is built in men.

Yang di stand for example hadi sempat lagi video. Is a Muslim, they will have more stable life. You see what we see online. You understand what we see online. And now after his marriage, nobody can swear that insist most in one year or in two years that we will know here another outbreak. Hadeep in the video is a Muslim. His life will not be more stable. You understand? Because Quran said, if Yan, if you are capable and all of us consider. Video itu siapa bu? Hadi bin divideo c muslim sufi modula bin di wani London nabi. The one in America will have been in and it will be like stable life for him. Wherever he travel, he goes, somebody’s taking care of him. Add some Muslims with only one wife because they read Koran. And creator said, if you are not capable, if you cannot feed them, if you cannot even handle them in the other room, you know, you are not supposed to. I have seen Muslims that they only have one wife because they believe they are not capable.

What we see in the video is must I have some people say, oh, eh, eh, they do they not do anything. If that is the way a Lago decorator, you know, and until you start reading and last until you start studying the word of God, Quran, you will not see this life in the deep deptness of it.

Woman, I used to be jealous, you understand? Because I don’t know. Debate. I don’t know. If you know if you have to go of putting them in different locations where the nose Indonesia evry finisher the stand you what is the motives ini bulan ibu lan disiplin yang manis eva yang di stand lagi say you can. You allow a nibleman to take their, the hems of earth and they handle it and make law surrounding family. So random marriage, you will see what is going, what will happen.

Because I look at the culture where I came from, AMIB and Meebo, it looks a similar. Islam is complete Islam, guys. None that I mention the videos name. If you comment, if I see a document section insulting anybody, I’m going to block you. Go there and open your ear and start reading. Correct. If you want advice where it is in Quran, if you are capable, do it. If you’re not capable, don’t do it. You come to my livestream. I will show you where it is. See you on my next video. Thank you.