Challenges and Advocacy in Education: A Personal Story of Autism, History, and Empowerment

Yes, research, I’m fine. It’s not new, guys. It’s out there. They’re just not teaching anybody. The autistic community already knows us in the south. We just don’t have the ability to plug in or anybody who’s out in a girl area, they’re just not bringing the schooling to you. So that town gets to decide. That’s right. The town decides what the goes in your school books. So when you get out into these white countries, I remember when my daughter came down, the schooling was so easy. So it was easy for her cuz you didn’t have to think about anything. It was just local propaganda or whatever. Okay. And then whatever.

I don’t know if the state does something. I don’t know how the education works. But yeah, we need some kind of choice for our children. But we can’t leave the minorities behind. So kids, we need stem. We need religion out of schools. Put them back in the institutions where they belong. They can go to Christian schools if they want to. We need schools full of education and science where kids learn.

My parents were okay with Nazis experimenting on autistic children way back. And they were giving us our H negative mothers who had the genetic marker Rogan. Now we have to take it anyway, but they were hoping, they studied us to see if we would still carry the gene on. I guarantee you I did.

I know my dad had it. All of us kids and we called each other the R word. Dad, what is wrong with you? What is wrong with you? What is wrong with your generation that you can’t see how you’ve contributed? And I gave you a safe way in. All you had to do was talk to me. And now you’re out.

Stare at my weight. I see all your guys is flying monkeys. I’m doing what I need to do. I’m tired of the resistance. This is my side of the internet. And if somebody doesn’t like it, then scroll. And if you’re so worried about, call the FBI, call whoever you need to. Honey, I’ll talk to them. Send them to my front door. This is not 1940. We have rights to tell our story now and we have the right for the government to pay for it. Young kids, talk to your parents. Get plugged into getting tested for autism before they get a hold of you. Fight for your education and your science. Otherwise, you’re just gonna be a freaking soldier and they control us everywhere. Let me show you. See that? You can’t even grocery shop around here. You can’t go anywhere without remembering what this country put you. Okay, I’m better.

It’s hard not to be , y’all. It’s hard not to cry for the kids. I’m kind of over crying for myself. I did. I’ve cried for like three weeks now. How do parents do this to their kids and how do the rest of you just not do anything about it? It’s, that’s the trigger. That’s why I can’t go in public because people just don’t wanna see.

My name is Angie Rakes. I was born in 1975 to a Vietnam soldier who had open heart surgery, supposedly, and came home on drugs. And so did my uncles. And they continue to push that propaganda on us. And they didn’t get us into proper mental care or preventive treatments because they were hiding their own diagnosis. So I want to know, did my uncles have it, too? Is that why they came home on drugs? I mean, we have so many spectrum kids. You got. Oh, we have the whole thing. I mean, like, why are you voting against them? We deserve our history. Make sure. I don’t care Trump does get in. It’s our history is going where it’s important for the kids. None, some book somewhere, everybody can ban mean stuff. The south needs to get educated. We need resources down here really bad. I’m gonna go get my tea plug into where my other mask, plug into the other matrix and call my doctor. First sleeps, sleep meds. Yeah, you’re gonna need some.