Reflections on Education, Friendship, and Perseverance

We’re out here, torn down a school I could never get into, and.
Yeah, me either.
However, my uncle did actually earn his master’s degree in architecture
from there. And my best friend from high school,
we’re still friends to this day,
by the way. Um.
Was waitlisted there for some reason.
I honestly have absolutely no idea why.
Because she shouldn’t have been.
She was in all these clubs.
Every single extracurricular activity you could think of,
she was in. She was a part of the National Honor Society.
She was a freaking valedictorian.
She was in the most advanced level of Spanish
that you could participate in.
Now she has her master’s degree,
and she’s the same age as me,
and she got waitlisted there, so.