Title: The Shift from Promoting Within to Hiring Externally: A Trend in Corporate Restructuring

Right now, there is a trend
where companies are hiring more external candidates
than promoting from within.
And that is very different than what happened over the last year.
So when restructuring started back in 2023
and company started doing layoffs,
what they did was promote internal candidates and say, okay,
we’re restructuring. We’re doing more with less.
I’m gonna give you a shot.
Here’s a promotion. I need you to make great things happen.
But now time has passed, and a lot of these companies are like, look,
the people that have been here forever aren’t getting it done.
They’re not coming up with new ideas.
They’re not getting us new results.
And so we need fresh eyes.
We need new people. We need new blood.
We need people no. No baggage.
So we see this all the time in the industry.
Kind of swings back and forth.