Discovering Inner Strength and Healthy Love: Embracing Confidence and Support in Relationships

Capable of doing things that I didn’t think I was. I’m more powerful than I thought, and I can be confident and I don’t have to be shy and I don’t have to keep telling myself, I’m not very good at this, I’m not very good at that. It’s good to try things, even if I am . At least I’ve tried. But I wouldn’t even wanna try before. Whereas now I’m like, yeah, I’ll give it a go. Yeah, I’ll do that. Why not?

And healthy love taught you what about yourself?

Oh, healthy love to learning so much just, it just makes me feel really, just really giddy and really happy and calm, cool, com collected, safe, all those things. Like when Alex is away, I barely sleep. And then when he’s home, I’m like, honestly, it’s wonderful. I don’t know what it is about having like that person with you. It’s just the best thing ever.

And he’s so supportive. Like not only is he like crafted from the gods and beautiful, he’s so supportive of me. Like he loves seeing me in my element. And it, well, he was the one that built my studio in the house. Like that was his idea. And he was like, I know you wanna be a mom and I know you wanna be around acts so they’re not miss too much. So why don’t we build a studio in the house and then you can do both of what you love. So that in itself is like, what a guy. But yeah, he’s just amazing and he like came to the first fan event I did solo. He came to like the press night when I was playing all the songs for all the press and media people. And he was just there like buzzing. He knows the album Inside Out. I get sent a song for, to listen through from Depression, Alex, to be like, where’s that Trumby gone and why they changed the daddy donamic. How do you know that? Like that’s how much he listens to things. And I had it. I mean, this is really cute. I have a link with my team that it’s got like all the songs on and we listen to them and stuff and you can see so the Ali who’s managing it, he can see where’s listen, like where in the world it’s getting listened to and who’s listening to it? Turkey. And when he moved there, it was all Turkey. He was just had it on repeat in Turkey. How cute is that? Hey, that’s, that’s love. That is love. Seeing someone wanting to see them do really well is love. That’s a.

Partner. Yep. You deserve that. No.

Thank you. You really do. Thank you. I love love. I love it.

It’s really special. It’s weird. Like love is, you know, I’m away from my boyfriend and it’s weird. Like when you’re away from them, you really cannot sleep. The person you love.

It’s different. Do you think absence makes the heart grow funder when you have time apart?

To be honest, I haven’t had time apart from him in a while and this is our first time being apart. So I don’t know, maybe, but we’re pretty in love and I’m super happy when we’re together. So what do you think? Does.

It? I love it. I think so. I think when they’re away from you and you really miss them, it’s like, it just makes it excite when you see them again. Totally.

Cuz there’s something to taking that person for granted, right? Like when you’re always with someone, you find a flow and you’re, yeah, and then you play in love and your lives have merged.

Yeah, yeah, exactly. It becomes like a routine then, doesn’t it? Whereas in my relationship, like we’re together, we’re apart, we’re together, we’re apart. So what’s the.

Flow on that.

Site? And now that’s.

Cool. Like, is it like, is he gone for a couple weeks? He’s gone for a couple days and back. We.

Would, yeah, quite a lot. It, you know, we will need together for a year. And he played for Arsenal and then he moved to Liverpool to play for Liverpool. And that was only a year after being together. So he moved to Manchester and I was still in London in a career, obviously with little mix. So I had to travel to Manchester and back every other week or every other two weeks when I had the time. And now we now is poor. Now it’s in Turkey, it’s a lot harder. Yeah, so I have to, obviously he doesn’t ever get any time off either. So I have to be the one to.

You go to Turkey.

I get the little man and we go to Turkey. So it’s not easy, but we make it work. I think you make it work for the ones you love. And also, we’re just so used to it. We’re used to having that back and forth relationship.