Mastering the Art of Travel Partnerships: A Guide for Influencers and Creators in Shoulder Season

If you’re an influencer or creator that wants to pitch to hotels
and tours and boards, the time is now, y’all.
You are in prime pitching territory.
And why is that? Because for so many destinations around the world,
we are entering what we call the shoulder season.
This is that weird time between high season and peak season
where things are just generally dead, right?
Think September and October.
Like, who is traveling during that time?
So many people are in school or working or have kids.
And that’s why it is perfect for you guys to pitch in this moment.
Now, if you want to pitch the tours and boards and hotels
and want to know what to say,
like how to get in there,
how to identify what these properties are looking for,
I’m hosting a free live training all on travel partnerships.
I come from the brand side,
and I’m gonna give you all the tea
so that you guys can land those pitches
and start working with the hotels
and tours and boards that you’re dying to work with.