Unleashing the Profit Potential: How to Generate $10,000 Monthly with ADHD Digital Planners on Etsy

Here’s the easiest way you’ll ever make $10,000 in your life.
And I’m talking about $10,000 a month.
If we go to E rank and we click on Etsy
and we type in ADHD Digital Planner,
you’ll see it’s green across the board.
This is the gold mine. A lot of times,
you’ll see the Etsy competitions in the red,
but this means this is a great keyword
that people are going to be searching and buying.
Look at always popular now on Etsy
when we type in ADHD Digital Planner.
And it just keeps going on and on.
This ADHD digital planners taking over $7,000 a month.
And this was making over $6,000 a month.
So that means if we can just sell two digital planners,
have two listings that make around $6,000 a month,
we’ll already be making $12,000 a month.
I’ve been working smarter,
not harder. So we’re not gonna make these digital planners ourselves.
We’re gonna go to the PLR Elite club,
and I’m gonna go inside of my PLR Digital Products
Vault section of my membership.
I’m gonna go and I’m gonna actually.
To find an ADHD Digital planner.
I’m gonna click on the PLR Digital Planner section.
They have so many beautiful digital planners on here.
Like, look at this girl boss planner.
I’m obsessed. It’s so nice.
Look at this Coquette Girly planner.
Uh, I love it.
But we wanna find an ADHD planner.
Oh, so right here we have an ADHD dark Mode digital planner,
which I really love. And this can help us stand up from the competition.
And people love dark mode stuff cause it’s easier on their eyes.
We also have a printable ADHD planner right here.
Then here’s another really nice ADHD digital planner
if you want to have that more like colorful look.
But these are all completely customizable as well,
so we can make any changes that we want.
I think I’m gonna do this one right here
because it reminds me a lot of this great seller right here.
It’s actually a best seller.
So yeah, we’re gonna do this one.
Since I’m a part of this membership,
it is zero dollars.
So I can just go ahead and add to cart and then download it for free.
I can do as many of these as I want to.
So I’ll do this one and then I’ll do the dark mode one as well.
So once you download it, you can then go into Canva
and you can make any changes that you want to.
So we could like, change the words if we wanted to,
we could change the fonts if we wanted to.
You can add elements, delete elements,
whatever your heart desires.
It has so many different nice templates in it.
And it’s completely hyperlinked as well,
which means when we click on a section in here,
it’ll take us to that part of the planner.
But it’s very nice. I’ll give You.
A little sneak peek of what we’re going to be selling here.
So as all the months, but then has always extra templates.
These daily focus friends,
household organizations, home declutter,
digital declutter, plant health trackers,
pet feeding trackers, meal planners,
family meal planners, categorize grocery list,
different kinds of healthy habits,
even a quarterly habit planning.
There’s so much stuff on here.
I love it. Even like income trackers and savings and household budgets.
And you’re getting crap done sections.
So then we can just go to share,
and we can download it as a PDF.
And then if it ends up being too big for Etsy,
A trick you can do is you’ll go to share,
and you’ll go to template link.
You’ll copy that template.
Will you press create Template Link.
Copy it.
And then you would make a thank you template link letter like this.
And then you would type in the word,
and you would just press the edit button.
And then there would be a link button you would press,
and you would just paste that template link right there.
It’s super easy. Then you would download this as a PDF,
and then you would just upload this.
Then we press digital file.
I made it. It’s a finished product.
I just made it this year. It was created by me
because you could to sell this as your own.
Press continue. And then you’re going to go and do your title
fill It with keywords like this.
And then you would go and add all your photos.
And then this is where you’d put that digital file lot.
So we can either upload the PDF or upload that thank you letter.
So we will just do like this.
There is your digital file
that the person will actually be able to use.
Then you fill your description,
you’ll set your price. We can put out like $12.
The quantity would be 9 9 9.
And then you could put your category as a planner. Oops.
So I can type planner templates?
And then you do your tag. So you want to put in like
you know, like ADHD Planner,
ADHD Digital Planner and all that stuff.
And then you’ll just go down.
I put no returns or exchanges.
You can add your shop section.
I always put automatic renewal.
And then you’ll press publish.
Now if you’re part of that membership
then you can easily put up so many different listings
at a way quicker time cause you don’t have to make them all yourself.
Imagine have like 10 listings up all making $6,000.
That’s $60,000 a month. Now I’m not saying that’s gonna happen.
Obviously it takes work, it takes marketing,
but the possibilities are endless.
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