Lessons on Persistence, Grace, and Standing Firm in Love: Insights from TV Shows and Divine Encounters

Okay, you guys, this is actually part 2 from the first video that I was doing. But anyway, when I left off of the first video, I was talking about how I was in the kitchen and, you know, the Holy Spirit was reminded me on what he, you know, had said to me, you know, over the past, you know, couple of years or whatever into, you know, standing on my promise. So I, you know, went into prayer at that moment and I went on with the rest of my evening. So when it was time to go to bed, I was laying here in my bed and sometimes what I do in order to be able to fall asleep, I just kind of scrolled either on TikTok or on Facebook videos, okay? And just kind of look at videos, especially videos to make me laugh, especially if, you know, I’ve had like a rough day or whatever. So I’m kind of looking at videos that make me laugh. Okay, and so that’s what I was doing. Now I had, well, first I went to TikTok and then I got off of TikTok and I went to Facebook because I’m like, okay, I’m getting ready to lay down. I’m getting ready to go to sleep. But there was this one particular video I was watching. And then when I actually scrolled, this video popped up.

Now, of course, we all know what this episode is. This is the episode where Laura professes her love to Steve. And so, you know, Steve was basically leaving and, you know, she was like, why are you leaving? If you told me you love me and you know, Steve is like, you know, all I’ve ever wanted was you, to please you and make you happy. And I feel like the only way to do so is to walk away and stuff like that. She professed her love and that was that. So I wanted to scroll, but it was like I couldn’t. Okay, so then after the video played or whatever, I scrolled. It was another video in between. It was like a cooking video. When I scrolled again, this video pops up. Now we all know this episode here. Okay, you know, and then the fact that she was at her wedding and before the wedding, you know, the professor showed up at Nikki’s house, but Nikki was already gone. And her friend and Dale, her roll dog, her home girl, you know, she taught her. She was like, look, Nikki now finally got over you. She didn’t chase you all these years. You really didn’t even want her. Now she got somebody to truly love her, somebody she can truly love back. And now you wanna pop up, now you wanna say that you love her or whatever, but I’m not getting ready to let you do that to her. So she locks him in the closet.

Okay, but right when they was getting ready to say they vows and Dale spoke up and she like, hey, this is what I did. And she told Nikki, the professor loves you or whatever. And by that time, professor came in, he professed his love for her and they ended up getting married, right? So I’m like, okay, what is the deal? So now I paused for a minute after I saw this video. A pause for a minute. But then I said, okay, the coast should be clear. I should be all good. Let me scroll again. I scroll again. And this is the video that pops up.

Now, of course, we all know this video is Lynn Jamie, Mary’s fancy, and he’s singing to her at the altar as part of his vows. So I’m sitting here and I’m tripping, right? So I just let my phone down. And the first question that came to my mind, y’all, I need y’all to truly catch what I’m saying here. The first question that came to my mind was, what does all three of these people have in common? And I’m sitting here like, we’ll lower, you know what, I’ll beat up like, okay. And I’m thinking and I know the answer, but it’s kind of like, are you really trying to play me right now? You know how sometimes we kind of question guide, especially if he check makes us, you know what I mean? And so, you know, I’m like, from my understanding, the things that all three of these TV shows had in common, 1% constantly went after the other person and the other person kept rejecting that person. Steve Erkel chased Laura the whole time from when they was little kids and we watched them grow up on TV. She turned him away. There was time she was, you know, mean and angry towards him. When we look at Nikki Parker, she chased the professor throughout the whole show. He always called her a and crazy and we get mad at her and stuff like that, you know, throughout, you know, the Jamie Fox show, Jamie always went after fancy, always rejected him. She overlooked him, didn’t wanna have nothing to do with him.

That was one thing that all three of these shows had in common. The next thing was the people that was chasing the people that was turning them away, they extended Grace to them. They extended forgiveness. They extended love. They extended kindness. Every single thing that I was pouring out to God, these people was also doing that. No matter how many times you call me a , no matter how many times you overlooked me, no matter how many times you kept telling me to go away and that you don’t wanna be bothered with me, I’m still gonna love you. I’m still gonna forgive you, I’m still gonna give you Grace, I’m still going to be patient with you.

And in the long run, the weight was not easy because keep in mind, when you look at all three of these, which is the third thing they had in common, every single one of them. Other people was dating fancy, had Silas, and there was some of the guys before there. The professor had all these different women. And then Laura was dating all these women. So I’m sure it was not easy for Jamie, Miss Parker and Steve to see the person that, one person that made them happy date other people, but they knew in their heart of hearts, this is my person and I’m gonna stand on it. And right when Steve was ready to give up, that’s when he got the thing he’s wanted the whole time.

That’s what I had just had to lay here and listen as, you know, God is ministering to me because keep in mind here, I retell me, I’m let you fit and I’m let you sit on it. But keep in mind, we don’t have a conversation and we did just that. And not only that, he had to bring back to me a lot of the things he had already given me to give to you guys, you know, from the past videos. You know, I have to go back and watch those. You know, he was reminding me of some of the things that I’ve written in my books. Because here’s the thing, when the Holy Spirit speaks to me, like when I’m writing my books or doing these videos, oftentimes I don’t remember or know anything that I’m saying. I’m just in a zone listening and just trying to hear what the Holy Spirit needs me to hear. So, yes, sometimes I do have to backtrack and go back and listen or go back and read. But he had began to do that. And I’m sitting here like, wow, they waited a long time, too. I can imagine they probably could have gotten frustrated as well. So I want to encourage you all to keep going. Hold on a little while longer. Don’t allow the enemy to send counterfeits and distractions to make you forfeit what God has already promised to you. I love you guys. You stay safe and you have a good day.