Seeking God: Cultivating a Generational Practice

Pastor Robert today has been talking about Psalms 24 in his sermon.
There was a part in his sermon
where he was talking about this generation that seeks the Lord.
One of the most incredible things about seeking the Lord,
at least for our generation and at least that we doing right,
is that we get to focus on how we seek god.
Now, seeking god for everybody might look a little different.
You might spend your time in building your relationship with god
way different from what I would do.
But we need to cultivate a practice of
where we focus on building a relationship
and seeking god. The Bible says,
if you seek me, you shall find me.
In other words, if you look hard enough,
you’ll find me. And most times we want God to come look for us
and we want him to come find us.
But in reality, he asks us to go find him.
And that’s one of the things that is changing our generation,
is that now we are the ones looking for him.