Blonde Perfection: A Stylist’s Guide to Root Touch Up Essentials

Hey, y’all, chase me Kimberly. And I’ve got style at its blonde perfection. Think I figured out what I was doing when I got these samples? Because I was thinking to myself, what was I there? Like I’m a retired hairstyles and salon owner and color specialist at the years I’m a full time digital creator. Now I’ve been retired from the industry for like 13 years. I got into digital creating full time and that’s what I do now. And I go to a wonderful hairstyle house here in Florida. But this is the blonde perfection. This is the root ketchup.

Now, this was the light blonde. The reason then I got this, you can see that I have blonde highlights and I do a just more like a medium lawn in on my root area. And then I’ve got white hair gray here. I mean, I’ve, I’ve got that, you know, I had to get that touched up saying I’m gonna stay a blind because I don’t wanna be great. No, I mean, I’m 58 that I like color. I just I love color. I’m hairstyles. I always keep my hair color. So this comes with a little applicator on the bottom right here. And you can get this in different shades. And if you want to use like a brush, like a little makeup brush, you can actually put it on with a brush and actually draw streaks through your hair. But I want to try and use what they have now. I was gonna try two different things just to show you. I got a dark or medium blonde. I’m sorry, I got a medium blonde and their spray. And the reason I did that, now I know, so that I could spray this at my root when it grew out if I was in a hurry and had to go somewhere and I could use this light to do some highlight, that was that’s what I was doing. So anyway, but we’re gonna try this light and just see what it does. Like when your hair grows out at the hairline, you’re so bad. Let’s see what it’ll do on just with this spend applicator here, just on gray here.

Like if I wanted to do, let’s see where this is pretty white right here. Let’s put some there down the scout and then it just says to brush it in. So it’s literally supposed to touch up your root area. I said you could use. And that does. That is working right there. That’s totally working right there on the gray. Let’s see if I, let’s find some more.

The white over here. Now, see, this is where I’ve got more at the color, the dark blonde. And I am naturally like, you can see my roots grow out. They are like, let me find a better one. You can really see it. They’re gray, m white right in here. So that’s where I would normally do the dark if I’m in a hurry. Let’s see how what this will do. I mean, I’m gonna need darker there obviously, cuz that’s light. I’m just wanna see what this will do. I mean, why not just temporary? So if you’re wanting to cover up some gray and you’ve got different color blondes in your hair, you can totally do this. But I would do this one for for the highlight area. And you can literally take this like if your roots are darker and you’ve got blonde highlights and it’s grown out a lot and you’re wanting to make a highlight on there. You can actually put this in there and actually draw a highlight down on the dark area that’s grown out. Say that you’re like this much grown out with dark. You can put this on there and draw a highlight. I mean, you can just draw it on. I’m trying to find something that’s darker so I can show you on the dark area. Like say your roots are growing out this much and you’re in a blonde highlight. Let me get someone here. You need like a brush. And actually, I may take this to my salon tomorrow and get my stylus to play with this with me just to show you. See, I mean, it actually will put blonde streaks on your hair. I’m obsessed with this. I like the concept of both of these. And I definitely recommend if you have these tones in your hair, if you have dark blonde, medium blonde, light blonde highlights, cuz most of us color blondes have them all in there and have a little bit of gold into, I recommend getting both. I recommend getting this light blonde and the powders so you could do your streaks. And I definitely recommend getting this medium blonde in the spray. And that’s in my video before here. Cuz you can put this at the root if it’s growing out in your gray and you can touch up highlights with this. This is just a good for in between salon visits, if you’ve got to go out and you’ve got something that just doesn’t look good and you need to touch it up and you can get more precise. I know the sponge is just to quick thing is there. Get your little makeup brush and actually put it on with that and then you can paint the highlights down with with that with the powder. This pretty simple. It just sprays at the root and I just don’t wanna do it right here yet because I got a lot of videos to do it. It’s a little dark. I’m fine. My hair’s not growing out that much. I make sure I take care of my regrets.

I go to my stylist quite often because I am a hairstyle, so I know to do that. Anyway, shot this one in the link below. I’m obsessed with these. I am obsessed with these. And I wanna play with him more and come back and do more videos for you guys with a brush when I’ve got more time to show you things you can do with these, I’d like to show you because I think this is a great tool for touch UPS in between your salon visits. And coming from a master cosmetologist, color specialist, salon owner, former salon owner, and I used to do it. I know my hair is rubbed today. I let it air dry today. I’ve had a day to day. I said don’t judge my hair. I used to do makeovers on TV for years in Alabama, all over different morning shows. So, I mean, and I’ve worked with some of the best in color. So when I put my name behind something and I say it’s good, it’s because I really think that it is. And really, I’m not giving it a fair shot of a application. So I’m going to come back and do more of that with their products because I know that this is a good line. I like it. Shop it in the link below if you want a great touch up tool in between your salon visits.