California Bill Proposes Home Ownership Path for Undocumented Immigrants: A Closer Look

California is added again
check this out
California passes a Bill that could open up a new path for home ownership
for undocumented illegal immigrants
now I know that by me just talking about this
it’s going to open a can of worms
but let’s talk about the actual detail
some of you are going to love the details of this
check this out so
the Bill will effectively allow migrants to buy homes
without having to save for years to fund a down payment
because yes
why would they have to save for years like every other American
no no no
let’s make it easier for illegal immigrants to be able to buy a home
on top of that
the loan from this program does not incur interest or require monthly payment
according to this article
this legislation now only needs approval from the Democrat super majority
state and Senate and a signature from the Governor
Gavin Newsom to be enacted
once again California has chosen to prioritize illegal immigration
and fiscal irresponsibility
over the needs of its citizen
now I can’t speak for every American when I say this
but maybe just those that have common sense
and since California is always so focused on their feelings
then let me say this in a way that they will understand
I feel like you should focus more on creating programs
that help out the American citizen
and not actually passing that 60 billion dollar deficit
to the American taxpayer that only benefits the illegal immigrant
again just the feeling
let me know what you think