Title: The Importance of Accepting John the Baptist, Baptism, and Christ in Finding Understanding and Eternal Life

The Bible tells us that those people who received John the Baptist
and were baptized by John,
and we all know that John’s, um,
baptism was a baptism of repentance.
Like it was, I know I am a sinner.
I know I am not living according to what the law is telling us to do.
So I am going to turn away from those ways
and start living according to what the law tells us to do.
Those people were the quickest ones when Christ came.
Those people who received John,
they were the ones who received Christ.
But the Bible tells us that who.
Those who did not receive John and did not get baptized by John
were the same people who kinda resisted, um,
Jesus Christ. And among the people are.
That are, did not receive John and were not baptized,
it was the Pharisees. And I.
I have read a. A New Testament again and again,
and I’m thinking, you would really think the first people who would be,
you know, who would receive John would be those people who are,
you know, teaching the Lord.
You. You would think that those people who are teaching the word of god,
but they were the first to.
To refuse to accept. And I think it’s because they, they,
they just become too religious.
They become too religious
to a point whereby you are not living for Christ,
you’re living for the religion.
You know, you. You.
You become Too religious. Um,
the Bible also tells us that now,
in the new church, the people who have hardened their heart,
the people who will not hear
what the word is telling you about Jesus Christ,
they are the same people who do not understand the word of god
because they have refused.
They have refused to. To, to,
to, to.
They have refused to accept Christ.
And once you accept Christ,
the Holy Spirit comes to be your comforter.
And because the word of god sometimes can be so hard to understand,
the Holy Spirit will reveal to you
those things that he wants you to know.
So it is very vital for you to give your life to Christ.
If you’ve been reading the word and you’re like,
I don’t understand this first thing.
First, we have to give our lives to Christ.
Um, I was reading another book,
and I saw somewhere he was talking about two atheist, and, uh,
they decided that one of them was gonna.
Was supposed to write, uh,
an article about to fight the religion.
And so what they. What he did,
he decided he was gonna do Bible study so that he get the. The.
The. The.
The fact to fight the Bible.
He was gonna sit down and read and understand the word.
And, you know,
of course, he had to get himself ready to. To,
you know, to.
To say what is.
What’s wrong
and why we shouldn’t be Believing in Christianity or being born again.
Guess what? By the time he was done.
By the time he was done with doing his Bible study,
this man gave his life to Christ.
And he said, Christianity is real.
Jesus Christ is real. There’s no way,
he said, there’s no way.
There’s no way
it is proven beyond fact that Jesus came to the earth.
He was born. And he said,
every material. He read the Bible first,
and then he read the materials,
and he was convinced that Jesus Christ is Lord.
So if you’re there and you’re still hardening your heart,
just give your life to Christ.
And if. If you’re reading the Bible and you’re like,
I don’t understand, there’s no way this could happen.
There’s no way this good god could do this thing,
first, give your lives to Christ.
And the Holy Spirit is going to guide you,
for you to understand, for you to become a beneficiary,
for you to be, you know,
to. To.
To just enjoy, and at the end of the day, to have a eternal life.