Comic Adventures at the Gas Station with Cody

This is what Cody does to me.
My gosh. Right.
Came here. This is what Cody does to me.
He parked. Of all the pumps in this gas station.
Look, he parked at this one.
And the bathroom is all the way on the other end of the store,
20,000 miles away. I guess he thinks I need my steps.
Let’s see if he at least came and pick me up.
Now he’s parked even farther away.
But he finally saw me. Now,
if you notice. Oh,
Now. Now we have to have a cattle call.
If you notice, that’s empty.
Why is there an empty trailer, Cody?
Cuz you didn’t act right. And I told you if you weren’t acting right,
we wouldn’t get you nothing.
The truck you selected was not the right fit for our project. Build.
My. It’s my project.
Your project? Build.
Who gets to pick this truck, Cody?
It’s a ragged out piece of junk. Keep ranching