Title: Finding Support and Healing in Jesus: A Reflection on Faith and Gratitude

Okay, I know that, like,
Christians get a bad rap. I want to just say this,
that, like, Christians,
people in general, no matter what they love,
who they believe in, all the people can suck. Okay?
Jesus does it. Okay,
I can suck some days. It’s true.
Okay, but here’s the thing this morning,
the one thing that I am grateful to,
there’s a few, but there’s multiple that I’m grateful to for my rentals
when I was growing up
was the way that they presented him to me was like,
hey, girl,
he is here to love you and support you.
He wants to guide you along your way.
He’s here to offer support and love.
And when you feel like you have nobody that wants you
or he always, always does. Always.
And that, like,
was burned into my memory.
So no matter where I went from or how far I went from him,
whatever pit, whatever valley,
not even wanting to be around him anymore,
like, I knew that he would always welcome me back,
cause he loved me. And someone’s gonna be like,
well, Jesus is accountability.
That’s all I’m saying. Here’s what I’m saying.
I woke up this morning, I like to call it circa 2,022.
Amanda anxiety up the Yin Yang.
Just, like,
woke up to anxiety, okay?
She was in my head making all the projections,
and I knew, I knew.
I was like, I need my Jesus.
That’s what I need. Right now,
that’s what’s. Not that he’s a magician,
not that he’s gonna fix everything,
not that the. But I.
He doesn’t bring the hard, okay?
He doesn’t bring the hurt.
He’s just here to support and heal.
So I literally, I went and I turn my music,
and I was like, hey, look, I.
I don’t have it today.
I don’t have it today. And it’s like,
I know I can just sit there and feel loved and be at peace
even if it doesn’t figure itself out, right?
Because I could just sit with him,
and I wanted to sit with him.
So, anyways,
I just wanted to remind you of that.
He is. He is the healing.
He’s not the hurt, and he is the support.
So he’s not the skeptic. Anyways,
I love you. Happy Sunday.