Palm Trees: A Hilarious Journey of Internet Confusion and Discovery

You guys don’t know? Wait,
it’s internet search, so, like,
if you type anything, so, like.
I don’t know. I don’t know how to describe it.
Wait, what? Like. Like.
Like if we. If we need to, like,
look stuff up, you have to, like,
go to the library. It’s mine. No,
tell me something that you’re interested in looking, like.
Just the randomest thing. They love both these bitches are palm trees.
Palm trees?
Like. Like,
they’re like, how do you do that shit so quick,
Bro. Sorry,
my screen is all fucked up.
Yeah. Types of palm trees.
You guys.
Wait, what?
And then you can. Oh,
my God. We would fully have.
So you can go to a whole bunch of different websites
related to palm trees,
and then you can just do images.
Oh, wait,
wait till you hear this. No,
wait till you hear this. They called.
They called cannabis. Wait,
so this guy is telling us.
Nudge, nudge.
Why? You guys,
they called. You know this much?
Is telling us that you can. Look, you.
He types in his phone on this thing called Google,
and they literally. You guys,
I can’t believe you don’t understand. No,
they got Snapchat, like,
two years ago, and then they got Snapchat, too.
Wait, how?
Wait, wait.