Title: Neighborhood Drama: A Tale of HOA Petitions, Window Woes, and Boardroom Battles

Now, little did I know that one knock at my door was gonna change everything that happens from this point on. This man, we’re gonna call him JK. TikTok will find it out. Anyway, so anyways, this man comes to my door and he tells me that he has a petition for a recall. He’s recalling somebody on the board. And the reason he’s doing it is because, you know, this guy is an alcoholic. He lives on the other side of the country. He doesn’t even live in this neighborhood. He’s a bad man. One of the selling points is that he’s a widow. His wife passed away two years ago at that time, and he received a painting notice from the HOA. He’s telling me all this stuff at my door and I’m like, what the is going on? I don’t even remember this guy’s name.

He said all he needed to do was power washers house and that’s it. They said, no, you have to paint your house. So he hired a contractor. And the first step to painting the house would be to power wash the house. Power washes the house. And it turns out that’s all he freaking needed to do. But since he already signed a contract for the paint to be done, he does it anyways. According to him, they gave him the wrong pink color. So they came back and told him that he needed to paint his house again because the color was wrong. I don’t know. I never got it cleared up cuz I didn’t give up, to be honest with you. I really didn’t. But now he’s on a mission to get rid of this management company and also replace a board member or two that has pissed him off. Great. At this time, I was also struggling with getting approval on my windows. If you guys have followed me, you guys know that I had a freaking nightmare with these windows. Way too much.

I know it looks a little bit bigger, but it’s not. They slept on it. And we literally had snow here in the part of California that never snows. And the windows were too down thin. I needed to get them replaced immediately. I was at the point where I was like, you know what, it. I’m just gonna replace them. I don’t give a . You don’t like them too bad because I need new windows, girl. In hindsight, I needed the money.

Thank god I got my refund. I didn’t work for 6 months and I needed that money. So thanks. Thank you, board, for not responding to me freezing over here at high school on my nose like, what the hell? I signed it. I helped him with balloons. I helped him with making signs and posters and flyers and whatever, email blast and things like that free of charge because I wanted to help his efforts. This poor old man, he reminds me of that movie with Tom Hanks where he’s like a big rump. And I was hoping that the people in this community can soften him up and he won’t be such a , but that, it didn’t happen. I digress. I mean, he was just recalling somebody. But from that moment on, he decided, you know what, I’m just gonna be on the freaking board. I’m new here. I don’t know anybody. And now I’ve got my little posse.

I didn’t know what I was getting myself into and I really wish I did because , this man was doing things I would never do and never condoned, never wanna support ever. If he was going door to door saying the story to people just to get a petition signed, he went hard. It worked. This man was like emailing all of us like 20 times a day, literally 20 times a day. Like it was way too much is giving me, I’m getting anxious just telling you guys. So I’m sure you guys are feeling anxious too.

Like , this is his whole life. I had to remind him several times, an email, like, I just don’t want this to be like everything. Because what happens if someone comes in and recalls you like you were trying to recall the board member before him? That board member actually just like, you know, this is really dramatical. I’m just gonna quit. He is quit as anyone should because it’s unpaid position. You live in this neighborhood. Why would you want that kind of animosity running around?

Fast forward, after our first meeting, I was like, okay, you need to calm down. You just sign your name and you’re already being aggressive. Like, relax. The first thing on his list that he wanted to do was go and attack the people who he doesn’t like and see what was wrong with their house and try to get them fine for that. Like, no, I shut that all the way down. Like, I don’t want anything to do with this. I tried having a meeting where that we can all come together cuz we all have the same issues with him and he refused.

He reaches out to our new management. Like we probably only had them for maybe like a week or two. Email is all saying you can’t get together because it is breaking this law. You have to notify the public, blah, blah, blah.

I’m trying to have a neighbor to neighbor a meeting so that we can resolve any kind of like tension weirdness before we even go in front of the community. So if you wanna do it in front everybody, I guess we can do that in front of everybody. Let’s go.