Proudly Making a Meaningful Impact: The Power of Music and Connection

We’re feeling good. And there’s a lot of people.
And you can see, I mean,
a sea of heads going up and down.
Yeah. Yeah,
of course it moves you.
I mean, you’d be,
you’d be weird if you did,
you know? Yeah.
Even with things like this,
all these kids standing out in the freezing cold is,
I mean, I mean,
they’re all here.
We have a speaker out there,
by the way. So when you say something like that.
Yeah. I mean,
it all means something. I don’t know what it means,
but it must mean something.
Um, but, yeah,
I mean, I’m quite proud of the fact that you can,
that the band and the songs actually mean so much to people.
You know what I mean? That’s,
that’s, that,
I think that’s all we ever wanted.
That’s all we ever aimed for when we started the group anyway.
It was to, it was just to mean something.
And we do. So we’re quite proud of that.
And I think we’re all in agreement here,
me included. Absolutely.