Text Rating Guide: Analyzing and Interpreting Messages from Another Man

Today we’re gonna be rating types of texts
that you’d be okay with another man sending me.
Okay? Okay.
It’s not bad. But he’s messaging you.
That’s a 5. Okay,
if he sends you that, you better delete him,
block him, everything.
That’s a 10. That’s the worst one possible.
Yeah. No,
that. He wants some.
That’s for sure. He wants some of that.
Some of what? Piece of that. Haha.
So that. That’s a nine.
Yeah, that’s eight.
Cause that’s so bad. We’re doing like.
Like, let’s do something like. That’s.
That’s eight, Andrea.
Haha, it’s just hypothetical.
It’s okay. Seven.
It’s alright. Two,
I guess. I don’t know.
Yeah, no,
he wants you for sure. That’s 11 in my eyes.
But I can’t put 11, so put a six.
So he wants to take you out.
Oh, that could mean that.
Or maybe he’s just concerned about my well being.
No, no, he.
He wants to take you out. That’s a four.
No, no,
now we’re getting too much into that.
Should be a 7 8, but we have to put it at 3.
No, you see,
I wake up and I say that to you.
So then you get two guys saying that to you in the morning.
No, you see, these lists are stupid.