Texas BBQ Tales: Mastering the Art of Smoking Ribs and Meat Tips

Texas and every way. I got Lazelle ready for his first cook.
We got the spare ribs on now.
I need you to check the tip.
Oh, butty,
check the tip.
Put it all the way up.
All the way. There you go.
Stick it in the deepest part of the meat.
Gotta turn it on like this.
You got it all set up? Yeah. There you go.
Oh yeah. 2:04 bet. Next one,
2:02. Man,
they all done. All right.
All right. Here.
So to grab these with a being tender like that at 2:02,
that’s gonna make them real soft.
So you grab them, grab them like this by the whole real.
And this is what you got. A masterpiece.
Because if you grab them like this,
you grab them like that in the middle,
you’re gonna break it apart.
So that’s why I grab these long poles and hold it like this.
And then put the thick part on the thin end
and just keep going like that
cause it’s gonna keep cooking.
Alright, you put this one on that side.
Stack them on in there.
We’re getting Mozelle ready.
Getting them ready. What you got there?
That’s outstanding.
Hold them all up
and we’re gonna be popped up today.
Draper, Utah L E S B B q.com.
The Labor Day special.
I got the MOX tails and them neck bones riding together
in the same pack. In the same pack.
I’m gonna get it to your front Door.
Yes, sir.
Let’s see what you got coming up out here. This.
Come on, man.
You gotta set the bad boys in there like they worth a million.
There you go. Turn it off.
So there you go right there.
Stay tuned. And I’m out.