Busy Days and Kidz Bop Concerts: A Mom’s Adventure

long time no see
getting ready right now actually
pretty quickly for Kidz Bop FNC
we’re gonna take kids thank you
I’ve never been to a Kidz Bop uh concert
I’m actually excited so my kids are napping
I’m getting ready we like clean
we were cleaning the shore house earlier this morning
John’s like
closing up the boat and everything
we’re gonna head out for a couple days
and we’ll be back down for the holiday weekend
um but we just had like
a busy week I don’t know
back to school all this kind of stuff
like I need to be up north at my shipping and receiving factory
you know what I mean like
I just I need to be checking my packages in um
and getting my kids ready for school
like literally next week
which is insane
um but I’m very tired
last night was a super late
fun night run
I’m exhausted um
so if you guys were there
you’ll understand why we were so tired
um but I changed into my sneakers fairly
what might have seemed early
but to be honest with you
I was in heels since five
and then I changed
I think I got to like 8:30
and I go over to Melissa and I’m like
is it too early for sneakers
she’s like wait another hour
and I’m like I fuck
so I changed my shoes so I made it like
almost four hours that’s a long time to be in heels
babe yeah
I hear Gigi yelling so anyway
we are getting our lives together
and I gotta put the girls in their cute little outfits
and we are gonna hit the road ASAP