Air Fryer Banana Bread Baked Oatmeal: A Guessing Game Success Story

Let’s make air fryer. Banana bread,
baked oatmeal. Excuse the appearance.
I literally just rolled out of bed.
I was scrolling on TikTok,
saw this recipe, and I’m coming straight to make it
cause we have all the ingredients.
Only problem is the TikTok doesn’t show the amount of each ingredient.
So we’re gonna guess and see if we can do it together.
I think I can figure it out.
So 3 Bananas, which is perfect cause that’s exactly what we have left.
One, two, three.
Okay, this is where we’re gonna get creative and try to guess right.
Gonna do a cup and a half of oats.
Start with a cup and see what it looks like in there.
Definitely need two.
Sure. One egg,
and I’m gonna whisk it before I add it in.
One egg. There was some butter,
and I literally could not tell how much.
So we’re gonna start. Wow,
cool trick, baby.
I like a tablespoon of melted butter.
Here goes our butter. Fourth cup of brown sugar,
half a tablespoon of baking powder.
It’s not hot yet. It’s not hot yet.
Mommy still has to bake it.
You want a half tablespoon of vanilla?
Maybe one tablespoon of vanilla?
Oops. I did it.
I did one. We’ll see.
Hopefully we don’t regret that.
I’m just gonna do a bunch of cinnamon,
like, just like,
sprinkle it all around.
Let me show you what we’re working with.
Here we are.
I’m gonna Smash the bananas down and mix everything together.
It just looks like an oatmeal.
Kind of making sure there’s not too many huge chunks of banana.
Are some chocolate chips. I’m adding these yummy lilies ones.
I mean, there’s no rules on how many of these to do.
Another thing I don’t know is how long and how high to bake it out.
Let me go see if I can, like,
see what buttons they pressed on the air fryer when they’re making it.
I think I saw the number I saw for temp was 3:50,
and then I saw 18 minutes,
which seems a little bit long,
but I’ll just check it, like,
halfway through. Pop her in.
See you guys in a little bit.
Okay, so I was very off on the cook time,
and I think the temp, um,
it was not done at all after that first batch.
So then I turned it up to, like,
3 85. I was really just guessing
and did, like,
another 10 minutes, and it’s looking pretty good.
So let’s see. Let’s dish up here.
I’ll show you first. Find me cutting into it.
But looks pretty dang good.
Let’s do it. This looks really good.
This. This is banana bread oatmeal. Do you want some?
Ooh, it is super good.
It is still a little bit hot.
Dang, that’s yummy.
Oh, that’s really good.
Okay. Wow. Actually
nailed the guessing game on that one.