Conversations at Home: Squirrel Troubles, Physical Therapy, and Memory Pills

You’re. You’re out here letting her pump some lead into them squirrels?
Did I do what I said?
You’re letting your wife out here handling the squirrels?
I just scared them when they hear this.
Are you ready to get out of here?
Yes. Man said that you got to be back in 15 minutes.
No, you don’t pay no attention.
I’m the one that’s running this house.
Hey, when he gets home,
do I need to help him do the physical therapy stuff?
Especially the sit up, up and down.
You ready for me to get him out of here?
Get him out of here? I just leave him out there or somewhere.
Leave them here.
Let me give him his meal in case you feed him something.
What do you think he’s gonna Wanna eat?
taco, taco,
taco, taco,
taco, taco.
I don’t know if I have any time to take pop anywhere today.
No, don’t, don’t. We gotta go.
He’s gotta scope the neighborhood.
About time. You ain’t lying.
I didn’t think she was gonna let you leave.
Did she give you your pill?
I took it. Are you sure?
I guess. There’s so many of me and I gotta take.
Can you get up in here? Do I need to help you in?
well, at least we know your arms are working okay.
I don’t know about what she hired for.
Do what?
okay, I’ll go ahead.
I’ll go. I’ll walk in. There. And get the pill.
Alrighty. Get the pill.
Whose pill? She said you didn’t take enough pills yet.
I don’t know what’s wrong with her.
Well, the.
The most important thing is that you take that memory pill.
Because you know. You know what that means.
I did what? I took my memory pill.
You owe me money. No.
Maybe that memory pill is working adversely.