My Unhealthy Relationship with Food: A Confessional Ramble

Hello, besties.
I just came on here to ramble
because I’m just sitting here eating dinner by myself
because my kids lock themselves in their rooms.
But we went to Little Caesars and got pizza
and two bags of crazy bread because
I was really trying to eat healthy,
and then they were wanting that,
so I eat, like,
a whole bag by myself. I have the most unhealthy relationship with food.
Like, I either go a day or two without eating anything,
and then when I do eat, I,
like, down a whole pizza and a whole bag of crazy bread,
and I’m just like, that’s so not healthy,
and I need to get on a schedule of eating right.
A bread is so good. It’s,
like, my weakness. It’s so freaking good.
Literally. There’s one.
One more left. I ate this whole bag by myself.
Tell me I’m not alone.