Ridiculous Comedy and Chaos: A Guidebook to Managing Family Drama and Disagreements

I can go and check if you want guidebook phone. I’ll probably go off.

Oh, oh, can you Ali that banging guys, why you see when I’m petrified. Yeah, you could call this a cucumber. Couldn’t measure amount LA. Yep. But what do we do? We go to the bedroom in the phone. Cuz our father would just stay here, 100% promise. Oh, Mr Sinnash, we just go now. But Yusof, mum, the command to come in. Just link. Don’t let go. No, I’m not. Don’t let go of each other no matter. I’m just to pull. No guys barricaded in the door there in the bedroom to win the bedroom guys handle all guys. My mouse drive the Bangkok bedroom guys. Look, we linked terms, we linked literally linked like legs, we literally linked time. So, oh, feel worry each other guys, I can. Gotcha. Bathroom if you want guys back, then the phone’s gonna go off.

The comment. I can hear them. The camaraderia fog that weren’t. Which guy is that? What monkey could tell with bangin if correct, his comment with no charge account, it’s not bad. I also could play Iden Sacrivel. Got no charge. Guys, this comedy is coming. Oh, god, no, I can’t. Look, I can’t. Let me tell me. So I can’t look where my car walk? I can walk. No.

Oh, for the. This is ridiculous and disgusting. Oh, it’s got, it’s not that k. You might just go there for no reason. And 54. Ridiculous.

That’s ridiculous, Bob, no, I. I can’t do this. I cannot do this. I can’t do this. I can’t. Look, no, Tony, Marissa, no. Mom, just keep all the men. No, go. No. I swear I’m gonna pick one of them candles up and I’m gonna throw away. I’ll throw away. Stay away from. Go away. Go. Go away from it. Yeah, I’m scared. Go away.

No, move over there. I’m not getting it. No, don’t like Goya. Okay. Yeah, this is ridiculous.

No. What else is that? Oh, my God. No. Put them down now. Put them down. That’s too far. Put the keys down. Mom, get him. Just get him. Get on. He said good night. Now leave us alone. I don’t care about the key. I don’t care. No leaving with the key. We don’t care about the key. We need have to go put the iron bottle put from it there.