Extraordinary Twins: A Culinary Adventure with Barbecued Pineapple and Ham

If you were extraordinary.
Okay. In the pool.
There they are. Aren’t they look alike?
They say you start looking like your pets.
There they are.
There they are. Twins.
So now you’re gonna make me. There we go.
I gave a little barbecued pineapple.
I chilled it properly. A little thinly sliced ham.
Always thinly sliced. Alright guys,
come on, let’s go.
Who barbecued it and who chilled it?
You. And now he wants me to eat it
cause he doesn’t like the looks of it and I hate it. Next.
Haha. But alright,
let’s go. I am gonna taste it.
There she is. There we go.
Hahaha. I can’t take this.
But this is really good. It’s spicy.
I got butter. Hmm.
Butter, splash of hot sauce and a little honey.
Hi folks. Sorry.
Come on, this is our last review.
This is it. Oh,
you gotta try. Simba,
what do you think of that review?
Don’t be chicken. What do you.
Here we go. I mean,
come on. From behind the scenes.
yuck. Get out of here, you.
Hmm. And pineapple goes well with ham?
Oh, it’s fabulous. Fabulous.
Come on, babe.
No, goodbye.