Dream Matchup: Facing Baseball Legends Past and Present

You could face any player from the past,
who would you want to face?
You gotta throw Barry Bonds in there,
I think. No,
you don’t want to test yourself.
You don’t want that smoke,
I think. You don’t want that smoke, Derek.
You don’t want that smoke.
I’m telling you, you don’t want that smoke.
If I could throw a dream match,
I mean, I would love to throw against Barry Bonds.
Ken Griffey would be another one of those at bats.
That swing is. Is beautiful. My.
I obviously don’t want him to look good.
I don’t want to see the swing when I’m on the mound.
A Rod Jeter. Those would be pretty cool.
Those would be pretty special at bats,
you know, for me.
Trust me, Derek,
you don’t want to smoke a Barry Bonds.
There’s no hole at. There’s a hole about this big you could get him at.
What’s the at bat? Uh,
was it. Was it Kanye? The. Yes, yes,
like 95. He hits a foul Homer once a year. Everyone,
you know, it gets brought up like,
who’s the best hitter of all time?
You know, when Aaron Judge is doing what he’s doing right now,
it’s, if he does this for six,
seven more years, is he gonna be the greatest hitter of all time?
And it’s like, okay,
well, wait a second.
Let’s go watch Barry Bonds hit a little bit.
That at bat, I mean,
obviously he came out On the wrong end of it.
Probably the most memorable at that
for his, you know,
career, I would think.
Barry Bonds. Great.
You’re throwing 95 to 97,
and he just turns on one and sends it out into the Cove.
I think that. That would be pretty cool.
Yeah, I’d want to face him in at the giant stadium, too.
I think that. That would be pretty cool for me.