Quality Over Quantity: Why Views Don’t Always Matter on YouTube

alright real controversial take
this video might ruffle a couple feathers
but views don’t matter only the right views do
and it’s really easy to get caught up in the numbers
thinking that your success of your YouTube videos
is directly tied to how many views they get
but here’s the reality
views don’t matter nearly as much as you think
real example here there’s an agent who posted a video
a YouTube video that only got 19 views
and by most standards that might seem like a flop
but here’s the thing one of those 19 viewers
was someone who ended up giving
the agent a two million dollar listing
remember people are watching
people are listening
there’s a real person on the other side
that is watching your video
that has five views
and all you have to do is focus on the
quality of your audience
I want you to ask yourself these two questions
are the right people watching your videos
two are you providing valuable information
that speaks to their needs
and if you answer yes to both those questions
then you’re doing exactly what you need to do
just like the agent who got a
two million dollar listing from 19 views
it’s all about who’s watching
not how many