Couponing at CVS on a Budget: Making $4, a Stick of Gum, and a Bobby Pin Work

Second week in a row my daughter has agreed to go with me couponing,
but I only have this much money.
This is $4, a stick of gum and a Bobby pin.
Can you make it work? You did last week for free.
Oh, $4,
a stick of gum and a Bobby pin.
Let’s see how we can make that work at CVS.
Let’s go. Hey, jazz,
you ready? Yeah.
Okay. Do you have your CVS app?
Okay, perfect.
Our goal today is to spend $25 on beauty and personal care
because there’s a $10 off when you spend 25 on the CVS app.
And every account should have this coupon.
You need to make sure that it’s clipped.
Item that we’re grabbing is this Phillips all in one trimmer,
because it’s 1999. And it’s also part of the spend 25,
get $10 off promotion.
And we also have some really good CRTs on the app.
Expert tip, make sure to always scan the barcode using your CVS app
to see what coupons qualify with that product.
And as you can see, here we have the 10 off 25.
We also have this 6 off and the second 7 off CRT.
Both of these coupons at checkout will come off
for grabbing these Silk Touch up razors
priced at 7 79. They are also part of the spend 25,
get $10 off promotion. So, jazz,
go ahead and grab one.
And what’s the next part? Scan it.
Scan it. We Have the 3 off.
It qualifies with the 10 off 25,
the one off CRT and a three off CRT.
Of these coupons at check out will come off.
Bring two of these good line double edge razors are priced at 7:59.
And the reason that we’re grabbing those
is because jazz has some really good coupons
on the CVS app. So go ahead and grab two of those.
Scan it, scan it.
And we have of course, the 10 off 25,
so it qualifies for that coupon.
And you have a 4 off CRT, a second four off,
and a third four off. So all of those coupons because they are CRTs,
which are like store coupons,
we’ll combine at checkout and they will come off.
It’s a good opportunity to take those
cause they’re practically freebies.
Next item we are grabbing two of these Irish Spring.
Their price two for five. And when you buy two,
you will get two extra bucks.
What are you gonna do? Scan it.
So go ahead and scan it
to make sure that we have a coupon that is attaching.
And as you can see here on the app,
we have a $2 off.
All the items that we are taking that retail for over $60,
but some of them are on promotion.
After all of the coupons, how much does that leave us to pay?
3 96 $3 before taxes. Correct.
Three dollars and ninety six cents pre tax.
For let’s Go to check out.
You ready? Yes.
Let’s go. Put in.
Scan all of the items. Our total would have been 63 91.
Scan your card.
And for this deal, we are not using any Extra Care Bucks.
Total drop to four dollars and twenty nine cents.
And that’s with tax. And there we have the two dollar extra buck
that we can now use on our next transaction.
So now we have these two extra bucks
that we will now use towards our last transaction.
Last transaction, we’re grabbing one of these Elf brushes.
They are priced at $5.
Scan it to see if there’s any coupons,
which we should have one for $3 off your entire cosmetic purchase.
And make sure that it’s always clipped,
which it is. So at check out after your coupon and your extra bucks,
what is your total? $0.
Good job. Zero dollars.
So let’s go to check out. Please scan it now.
Dollars off and then continue.
Finished. For a total of $0.
As you can see here, zero dollars.
And that’s how easy it is to score all of these products
that would have regularly retailed for over $70
for less than $5. One of my favorite parts about shopping at CVS
is the way that we can stack CRTs with manufacturer coupons
the way that you just saw.
If you’re still not following,
make sure that you do so that you too can learn how to save at CVS.
Don’t Forget to hit the like and let me know if you score