Cottage Cheese Tater Tots: A Sneaky and Delicious Veggie Hack!

Just get a bag of frozen. Watch what she’s about to do.
Up your cottage cheese. You love cottage cheese.
About to be magic. Look at this.
Look. Cottage cheese tots.
The texture is out of this world.
First thing you gotta do is get you one bag of cauliflower rice.
You gotta heat up your rice on a stove top.
Don’t add any water. Don’t add any water,
cause it’ll get too mushy if you add water.
Now, you need a whole cup of cottage cheese and add it to your blender.
Are you sure we need a whole cup?
Yeah, that’s what she said.
I know that’s what she said.
Also, apparently
this is a really good way to trick your kids into eating vegetables.
I don’t know. This is what she said.
Blend it. Look how creamy that is.
I could drink that like this.
No, you. Yeah.
No, you cannot.
I don’t know how you don’t love.
You just drink that. When your cauliflower is nice and warm,
add in your cottage cheese.
Oh, look how creamy that looks.
It’s like yogurt. Now make little nuggets with your mixture.
Little nugget. My question.
Why is yours not in a row?
Why do you have yours all lopsided?
I don’t know. Why?
Why are you so neat? Because that needs to be neat,
Lisa, or else my brain won’t work.
Now, put this in your oven at 3:50 for 40 minutes.
Come on. That’s a tater tot.
And it’s got vegetables in it.
You don’t even know there was a.
You couldn’t even tell there was a vegetable in it.
You gave me this. I’d eat it,
be like, that’s cheesy.
I’m actually shocked. That’s 10 out of ten.