Nostalgic Fall: Style Predictions and Trend Forecasts

Every season, I like to come up with my own, like,
style predictions, trend predictions,
and I like to write them down and plan ahead for the season.
And every year, I’m usually a little bit right.
So I thought it’d be very fun to sit down
and tell you my fall predictions.
And I filmed all this before,
but I somehow deleted it. So
now you’re about to see me get ready
and tell you all my fall trend predictions.
I’m not an expert. I really don’t know what I’m talking about.
This is just what I think I’m gonna wear this fall.
So hope you enjoy. I think fashion is usually a reflection
of what’s going on in the world,
and right now, things are kind of crazy.
I think a lot of people, um,
are feeling very anxious. We’re in a very,
very odd state.
And I think that leaves a lot of people kind of craving some stability,
some familiarity. And I think this fall is really gonna reflect that.
I think it’s gonna be very nostalgic fall.
I think a lot of us are going to be
kind of channeling a lot of what our moms wore when we were kids.
Um, I. Look,
I made a collage for this.
This is how into this I got.
But I think we’re gonna see a lot of ponchos.
I don’t know why I’ve been searching for a poncho.
Um, this started last year,
but I’m telling You this year, ponchos.
My Aunt Jenny used to wear ponchos all the time.
She always looks so cool. And Jenny,
this is your. I hope you still have the ponchos.
I think the denim is gonna get darker
and I think the denim is gonna get straighter
and the denim is going to get stiffer.
I think we’re going to see a little bit of movement
from how loose jeans have been recently. Um,
and I think they’re gonna be a little bit darker,
cause I feel like for a while at least personally,
I’ve been fixated on light wash jeans.
But I’m telling you, this fall,
dark denim. I just think we’re gonna see a lot of practical fashion
and a lot of kind of slouchy fashion.
Just kind of like comfortable and I don’t know,
I want to say cozy. Obviously falls always cozy,
but it’s just different.
I don’t know how exactly to describe it other than slouchy.
I think we’re gonna see Clark’s coming back,
the Wallabies. I think we’re gonna see a lot of mid calf boots
as opposed to the knee high boots that we have seen.
Um, like obviously with the fry.
Canvas boots are huge right now.
Everybody wants a pair. Um,
and I think we’re gonna see like more of like a moto boot as well,
so keep that in mind. I just think this fall,
instead of like the old money,
classic, like put together look that we’ve seen,
I think we’re gonna see a little bit more of, like,
indie sleeves. We’re gonna see a little bit messier look,
kind of more not grungy. Grungy is not the word I’m looking for,
but just a little bit more,
like, worn in,
a little bit messier, a little bit slouchier.
I think we’re still gonna have, like,
the classic shoes, like the Birkenstock, Boston’s,
um, clogs in general,
like Clark’s over there. Hold up.
Clarks right here.
These. These are clogs from Clarks.
They’re super cute. They’re mules,
not clogs, but they’re super,
super cute. I saw this on the Free People website the other day,
and I really like them. I just got the DOC Martin clogs,
and I really like them. They’re very comfortable,
and I think they’ll be a really good,
stable fall shoe. Um,
also, I think hunter rain boots are coming back.
I saw a video about this the other day,
and I think she was so right.
I think anything that you could see,
like, a nice, like,
you know, people keep saying,
like, very,
like, frazzled English woman fall, whatever.
If you could walk through a muddy marsh in the shoes,
I think they’re gonna be in this fall.
I don’t know why. I just think they are practicality. Okay.
Accessories are my favorite part of any outfit,
and I think the accessories this fall will be super fun.
I think we’re gonna see a lot of, like,
like I said, nostalgia.
With these type of things.
Like, if your mom was anything like mine,
she carried a huge bag. Like these type of bags here.
I love these type of bags.
I love a slouchy leather bag,
and I think that’s gonna be big this fall.
I’ve been on eBay hunting one.
I actually put a bid in, and I’m hoping I win, um,
on a. On a nice,
really nice leather fry bag.
That’s what I want.
I think we’re gonna see a lot more watches this fall as well.
Not like a smart watch, not like an Apple Watch,
I mean like a real, real watch.
I think we’ll see regular watches,
I think we’ll see metal watches.
I also think we’re gonna see some fun character watches.
Like 100%. Not like in a cheesy way,
but like the classic, like the Mickey Mouse one.
Um, this is a Winnie the Pooh one I saw on Poshmark the other day.
I do think we are going to see some fun character watches.
Like I said earlier, I think we’re going to have a messier fall,
and I think we’re gonna see that with hair as well.
We’ve seen the slick back bun a lot recently,
but I do think we’re gonna get more into, like,
the messy bun. I think it’s gonna be big for braids.
Kind of just like messier hair.
Not necessarily messy, but just like,
not as sleek as we have been seeing.
I think we’re Gonna see a lot more of mixing metals.
I think we’re gonna see a lot of plum and burgundy and, like,
really warm reds. I know those are classic fall colors,
but I do really think we’re gonna see a resurgence. And, like,
plum and Maroon. I don’t know why I’m seeing a lot of it.
Okay. But again,
what do I know? Not much.
Not much at all. Feel like this all very much lines up with, like,
the Meg Ryan fall. Frazzled English woman fall.
Sludgy fall. So I’m calling it for myself.
But again, you can also just wear whatever you want.
It’s fall. We all wear the same things anyway. Sweaters, boots,
jeans. It’s fall.
I live in the south, so I probably won’t be able to wear a sweater to,
like, November, maybe.
And that’s a maybe. That’s a huge maybe.
We’re having our pre fall right now,
where it’s the weird, like,
cold spell we get, um,
in August right before fall actually starts to kind of lull us,
and then, boom,
it’s 98 degrees next week.
But that’s just. Can’t do anything about that.
Just wanna reiterate, this is what I’m wearing this fall.
Um, I. Again,
I’m no. No expert.
I just like fashion, and I like to plan ahead for stuff
because I can be an impulsive shopper.
Um, I love to thrift,
so this gives me, like,
an idea of what I’m going into the stores for.
And a lot Of this stuff is gonna be stuff that we’ve seen before
from our mothers. So it will be in the thrift stores. Okay?
You can find this second hand.
You don’t have to buy a new wardrobe each season.
You will have pieces in your closet that work for fall
cause it’s fall. Okay?
We all wear the same things for fall.
And again also you can wear whatever you want.
Trends don’t matter. Wear whatever you want.
I just thought this was fun,
so I hope you enjoyed. If you like this,
let me know because I really enjoyed making this.
And if you wanna see more stuff like this,
I would like to do it.
I will be excited to take you all to the thrift stores with me
because you know I will be thrifting for all of this. Um.
And just let me know what you think you’re gonna wear this fall.
Just let me know. Let me know.