Stuck in Space: The Unexpected Journey of Two Astronauts Sent by Boeing

Pre k, pause.
There are two astronauts stuck in space right now,
and you’ll never guess who sent them there. Boeing.
Yeah, you know,
the plane company. Whoop
that Boeing.
It sent them there. Apparently,
Boeing was like, hey,
we want to start sending people into space.
And NASA was like, with your track record.
Okay. So back in early June,
Boeing decided to yeet two astronauts up into the outer space. Okay?
And they made it there, thank god.
But when they got there,
they realized that they had a helium leak in their spacecraft.
Very on brand for Boeing. Well,
again, this was early June.
They were only supposed to be there for eight days.
They’re still there now. Well,
NASA and Boeing decided very recently
that they’re gonna bring the spaceship back unmanned, okay?
Autopilot. They don’t want people in it.
They don’t think it’s safe.
So what does that mean for the two astronauts that are up there?
When do they get to come home?
February 2025.
February 2025. The trip went from eight days to eight months.
I’m too claustrophobic for that shit.
There’s only so many a
powdered meals that I can eat without losing my mind.
NASA and Bonnick. Oh,
we have so much empathy for their family,
and thank you so much for being understanding.
But also like, they knew the risks.
To be fair, maybe they did.
It is a Boeing flight, right?
I won’t even take a Boeing plane when I’m Flying across the country,
let alone one to the outer space.
I’d be pissed right now.
Do they get overtime pay?