Passionate Rant: Standing up for Farmers, Veterans, and Respect for America

4 hit off here. This video gets banned and am I doing this right? Couple of soldiers I’ll bless hold the military. So we, and I feel bad for all these veterans, military people just got out of the military. Just realize something. I feel bad for the farmers, but they’re going through. Put more measurement back in them. Put more all hell on back on them, shove more things back in their heads. They don’t want to be in bigger, better place. Always after they go out MUD get to realize these tricky people keep walking in front of them. Keep palm join us once you just join us. Like spirits, they never shut up. They never will keep their mouth shut. All these great farmers gave you all the food they need. And if more, the more you’re gonna keep hating on them, the more you’re never gonna get the food. It just sounds gonna be and I’m not gonna give you the counts. I don’t give you any thing. You’re gonna make you sit there. You learn your lesson now. When I get smacked my ass, I get lessons tough and whatever. I have a lessons, you know, whatever, have a respect, whatever, have a lessons. The hell, all that at the door, I want that back because I was young. I got taught to respect myself. I got taught how to respect that thing flag. No one didn’t respect it. And he had no right living here. And you get top hatred and it’s get top respect. Yeah, get you more respect back. So let’s just hit it.

You know, LVGQ person that was on his TikTok made a video about me saying as a , well, let me taste it. I’m speaking the true from this world. Why it’s gonna be, you know, yo, would you keep people out there watching right now, but what would you say to farmers you might have become ever? Kick your ass. One way to say it. That’s one way to tell you you messed with them. They got full load of shock ends. They do this full load of shock ends. Do the Hounddogs. I’ll bring it to you. So you want to come over there and see him? I’ll bring it to you. Let me leave you a dead animal outside the Gotham house. Let me put in front of your door, make you think and make you realize some straight up your ass control the food. They don’t like to be taught. They don’t like to mess with them.

They take this video. I want them to take this video. I want them take my advice. I wish I tell these farmers well, and what I’m saving these guys in farmers, I’m helping them out, giving them better advice.

Farmers, listen here. Keep going for now. Listen, you know, there’s people, you’ve raised a bunch of cattle farms. Keep going. You farmers either take plows out of a single day and cultivate, grow dang food. Thank you for that.

God bless you. People have fought for our day with war. Get married where need to be respective respect all ones to support for America. When it hate America, we should call terrorists. We should make any rule list which we call these lpgq people for ourselves. We’re going to call them great big tears. I act like it wouldn’t be like it. So I said a terrorist. Remember what they’re doing is terrorism and why the govern ain’t doing nothing about it, because I guess they don’t care. They should come up and think back.

I’m just trying to point. I’m a Republican support trap. I’ll tell you what, he says don’t get back and I’m bringing his ass out and put me into myself. Now I’m gonna put him in that office myself. The government can watch me. I don’t care. And I know that man, to put more respect to our country, go down to shithole. Or need to be or don’t need to be. By the way, we put a love, we put our life in this country, put our hands on those country and I’ll take time to start another . Let’s go further.

No thank these Republicans standing home. Most of these farmers are Republicans. All these farmers are Republicans. I don’t like what you say. He could give you respect powers the more you criticize kids to make it eat real food. Let the kids do whatever they want. Let the kids do whatever they say or let them do what they want. It’s not for life to tell what a kid what to do, cuz that’s illegal. And by the way, you put a big wall in your ass, cops don’t even care about that anymore. Lawsuits don’t even care about that anymore. They should because listen, your lawsuits, listen your law. The cops are respected. Respected cops are respected. SWAT team. If they do this country to keep our country protected and safe, try to, but you need to move more better, do more better. You know, better by not saying most cops now. So the cops fault, the lawsuits fault basically in over. I’m sort of saying WGQ people suppose some people came out of jail for that in profit. It was when the people came out of jail. They have every right to say everything they want. Entirely. You think back to the better rights. There’s some certain things you can say, there’s some certain things you can not say to build rates. And when is everyone, everything’s Bill rates on fire, not caring one bit about. Just crazy.

No, these farmers out here dedicate because you know what, I promise that will be a part to me there more. That’s why I’m gonna have to go to be a great success.

So far, you know, these partners did, they’re grown up late. Their grandpaul’s, their family had Great Depression. They couldn’t afford anything cuz everything was just too expensive. Back in a day, a quarter. Couldn’t get you nothing. I’m couldn’t get you nothing. Great impression. Really hit him hard and everybody hard. This world goes back to free depression again. We have to get our money back somewhere cuz we definitely need your money back. I don’t care if you’re broke, government, I bring back and you’ve got money back. It’s called all the Ukraine’s up. Tell me we want our money back. Let Russia have the war. Let Russia have the country. Yes. There’s the first place was. There’s the first place. You did actually own that country around the mid 80s. Sure did. In the early 70s, in the late 90s, took over a Ukraine. Now, don’t Ukraine would come up there and to a new country ever. It’s not their country anyways. Our president right now is a full big ass tamer. Every time you see everything comes on his mouth, . Every time he tries, one more tries to talk, he should work got thing at all. Balls off his guy. high. Balls off.

He got downstairs, you name, he falls off and everything. He’s not good for that . He’s got dementia or something wrong. I don’t know what the hell is wrong. Okay. He’s old lately.

I don’t want to get at all the guys is too old. Roger did an old president again here should make a new rule book, new law. Only 50 or 40, that’s 70, not 80. Things only spent like, what, 90 years old.