Navigating Online Discourse: Importance of Honesty and Diverse Opinions

I’m not chiming into anti intellectualism discourse
I feel like I already have for years on a loop
and everyone else is already saying it
what I will give my two cents on is two other things
sparked by one interaction with one random creator that I just had two seconds ago
number one: when you are criticizing a person or a piece of work or whatever
you have to be completely honest
and you cannot embellish or just make sh— up
I don’t care if you’re making like a good point outside of it
but once you start- once you start making stuff up and lying
you lose all credibility
and I can’t take any of- anything that you’re saying seriously
like if you’re gonna quote someone
at least like
double check that the person actually said what you’re saying they said ?
and number two
I think booktok would be a much better place if we collectively let go of this like
toxic positivity mindset which is like speaking into the wind
I know it’s never gonna happen
but I’m saying that I’d like for it to happen
someone posting a negative review or negative opinion of a work is not spreading toxicity
not inherently like obviously it depends on what exactly is being said
but the existence of a negative opinion is not is not toxic content creation
negative reviews and negative opinions are just as important as the positive reviews
and the positive opinions in curating your space on this app
in curating the algorithm
in curating your specific niche community
I was having an interaction with someone who called a different creator toxic
for regularly posting toxic just like negative opinionated content
so I scrolled through that creator’s page to see what this person was talking about
because I don’t know either of these people
and it is overwhelmingly positive content with like this one negative post
it was probably their first negative anything post in months
in an endless sea of like positive book reviews and recommendation videos
and maybe I don’t just have two things to say
maybe I do have a third thing
the algorithm is really strong and really specific
if you’re only seeing a creator pop up
when it’s for something overwhelmingly negative
I strongly encourage you to actually look through their page
and see if that’s what the majority of their content is
or if that’s just what the algorithm thinks you want to see
because that’s really specific feedback from the algorithm
for you to insist that this is like the majority of that creator’s content
(or) that this is like so normal and so common for them when it’s incredibly rare
upon…upon scrolling
is that creator a hater or does this app (for some reason) think you respond positively to hater content?
things to think about I don’t know