Rescue Groom Series: A Heartwarming Tale of Lizzie and Wilma in Need of a Forever Home

Today I groomed these two little rescue dogs that are
sadly in a shelter due to their owner passing away.
Meet Lizzie who is 6 and Wilma who is 2
and they are mother and daughter.
We aren’t entirely sure of their breed,
but I definitely think they look like a shitzu cross pug.
But let me know in the comments what you think!
Either way, they are absolutely adorable
and it’s safe to say that I fell in love with them
by the end of their grooms.
I always start off by turning my clippers on
and then I just go over their back,
see how they are with the sounds and sensations
before I then go in and clip them.
This always gives me a rough idea on how they’re going to behave.
And they weren’t one bit bothered,
which was definitely a good sign.
And it makes me think that they are used to be.
I used a No. 7 blade on them,
which probably isn’t the blade that I would choose to use
as it was really short. But it’s the best bet
because you don’t know how long they’re gonna be in a shelter for.
So at least this groom is gonna last them for as long as possible
until they hopefully find a new home.
So this is Wilma who’s only 2.
She’s a daughter and she wasn’t too keen on the bath.
This will just come down to her not being as used To it.
But she completely relaxed after a couple of minute.
So I don’t actually know too much about these two,
but they are in a shelter due to no fault of their own.
Like I said, their owner sadly passed away.
They’ve been in a rescue for about four weeks now,
and if you ask me, that’s four weeks too long,
because they would make the perfect little dogs for someone.
Ideally, it would be best if they could go to a new home together,
but obviously
if this is proving to be difficult and there isn’t any interest,
then they’ll probably have to be separated.
Me and Lizzie had a little moment when she was in the bath,
because you just wonder what they’re thinking.
It’s so sad that they’ve ended up in a shelter.
When she was out the bath,
it was time to get her dry
and she wasn’t one bit bothered about the dryer
or being groomed at all.
And you could just tell that she is definitely used to.
My little sister popped in quickly to see me
and they were absolutely loving all the first.
I honestly can’t thank you guys enough
for all of the support that you’ve given me
on my Rescue Groom series.
These two are the sixth and 7th rescue grooms I’ve done now,
and I’m absolutely loving it.
I get so much job satisfaction from doing this,
knowing that I’m helping these lovely little pups not only feel Better,
but hopefully find a new loving home too.
I really appreciate you all liking sharing
commenting reposting these videos
because a percentage of the money that I make on views
will go to the animal shelter.
I’ve already donated 1,000 pound
and I’m sure there will be lots more to come.
Please let me know in the comments
if you’re interested in giving this gorgeous pair a new home
and I’ll happily give you some more information.
As always, thank you so much for watching everyone,
and I hope you enjoyed this video!