From Tennessee to Los Angeles: A Traveler’s Journey of Early Mornings, Short Flights, and Unexpected Southern Delights

Travel with me from Tennessee to Los Angeles.
I was up at a ripe 4 a. M.
So first I took a really short flight to Atlanta
and I was honestly sad to say goodbye to beautiful Tennessee.
I’m definitely coming back!
Once I got to Atlanta, I had to go from one terminal to another.
That airport was actually so easy to navigate.
And then I knew the LA flight was a little long,
so I figured I’d grab some snacks.
They didn’t have a Dunkin so I got the closest thing.
I love Sun Chips and the nerds are my favorite.
The plane to LA was huge. Then they served breakfast
and tell me, is this a southern thing
cause I’ve never heard of it.
It was a hot buttered biscuit with cheese,
sausage, and sweet pickles.
Also a banana muffin and some fruit.
This was so good. Thankfully
my luggage arrived just fine
and I’ve had no problems at all yet on this whole trip.
Once I got to the hotel, I went to my room and settled in,
set up my makeup, put out some outfits.
And in regards to the room,
let’s just say I am freaking out.