Nerd Alert! Engineer Comedian Don Mcmillan Live in DC – The Funniest Powerpoint Presentation Ever!

Nerd Alert! Washington, DC,
this is engineer comedian Don Mcmillan
let you know I’m finally coming to the nation’s capital.
My first time since being on the finals of America’s Got Talent
a couple of years ago.
I will be at the Comedy Loft of DC for one night and one night only.
Wednesday, September 4th at seven thirty PM.
You might have seen me on America’s Got Talent.
The first comedian to ever use Powerpoint.
Yes! Powerpoint.
What did that look like? Here’s a clip.
You think the world is better today?
They did a survey this year.
What’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning?
34% of people check text, 23% read email,
70% post to social media. If you ask the same question 20 years ago,
before the cell phone,
what’s the first thing you do when you get out of bed in the morning?
Ninety seven percent of people would say,
I pee. Remember those days?
Remember the good old days when we had time to pee in the morning?
Ah, they were glorious days.
And by the way,
3% of people would say I changed the sheets because I peed in them.
That was the other option.
Just two options. Come on, DC.
If there’s any town that needs a laugh,
it’s you.
This will be the funniest Powerpoint presentation you’ve ever seen,
guaranteed. I’ll be at the Comedy Loft of DC for one night, Wednesday,
September 4th. Tickets?
Are on sale right now. Right now.
Go to dccomedyloft. Com.
It’s right down here. Dccomedyloft. Com.
I hope to see you on September 4th.