Preparing for a Podcast with Friends: Makeup, Car Rides, and Sisterly Chats

Today we’re getting ready for pretty basic.
This has been in the works for literally years.
Our schedules finally aligned.
I know that they film it, so we’re gonna try and do good makeup today,
even though I swear, the more makeup that I do,
the worse that I look. So deciding between these two,
I think I’ll do this cause more coverage,
but then should I try, like, underpainting?
Like, I’m trying to just be fancy today. Anyways,
they’re super nice and got me a car,
which I’m very excited about because it’s kind of a long drive,
and my sister’s actually coming with me,
so we’re gonna pick her up on the way.
But I’m excited to just sit in the car and it’s gonna be quiet,
there’s gonna be not any kids in there screaming,
and I can get work done. I’m gonna bring my cuter.
We just need to look very cutesy and very demure.
I’ve probably known Alicia for, like,
over 10 years now. I don’t even know.
It’s been a very long time.
I think I’ve known Remy for a long time, too,
just not quite as long. But they are such fun girls,
and I’m excited to go chat with him.
I haven’t seen them in literally forever,
honestly. Years at this point.
Also scared.
I’ve never gone on anybody’s podcast besides JC’s and Chelsea’s.
What we said. Even that was, like,
years ago. Like,
I haven’t gone on anybody else’s podcast.
I Don’t think I need to practice.
Not saying like I’m scared.
Okay, we’re gonna mix this with some bronzing drops.
I wanna look nice and tan.
We also wanna look nice and glowy.
We also need to be extra careful with the eyebrows today
to make sure we don’t have any eyebrow blindness,
cause I definitely have been a victim.
I feel like sometimes I’m still a victim,
but sometimes they’re just not working
and you have to kind of, like,
give up and just accept that they’re gonna be bad that day.
There’s been a lot of things going on in my life the past while,
and a lot of things I’m just not in a place to be ready to, like,
talk about. So don’t be too excited.
I’ll always choose to protect my peace,
but I’ve also been telling my sister for, like,
years that we need to start a podcast,
but every time I bring it up,
she’s like, oh,
but then you have to actually, like,
talk about your life and stuff going on in your life.
And I’m like, ugh,
never mind. Okay.
I think this is the look for the day,
even though
this doesn’t look any different than I normally look every day.
So hopefully it’s a little bit better for, like,
on camera, though.
Just, like,
a little more foundation, all of that.
But I think I’m gonna air wrap my hair
and then figure out what to wear.
So hopefully Everything goes good.
I’m, like, so nervous.