Chaos, shopping sprees, and gym struggles: A day in the life of a vlogging mom

Decided to vlog. My sorry, mom, girls are having breakfast. Oh, Lily’s just wrecking the face. Absolutely wrecking the vice. I’m picking your nose. Fab. Gorgeous.

Like Eva is on her summer holidays and she’s kind of 7. This should make sure we illegal. I don’t know how you allow this to happen. Oh, a lot. I’m not happy about it. Why? Yes, drowning and stone by your eyes. So we also, we’re sorry, leverage.

So my tale has just decided not to work. Like why morning, Lala. Did you have? Nice morning to you’re watching to put away. Well, first I have to get these north self starts. What do you want to wear today? Over sunny dress. Do you mean like a summer dress?

But I think it’s gonna be a gorgeous day because it’s sunny. Okay, bro, I understand. My shoes on. Yeah, Lily is where you go now. They’re not yours. They’re EVAs. Fair enough. And we’re gonna do here.

We have to put new batteries in here. And it’s, eh, these are the hair and I passed. Why are they like wet and shoes. Yeah, these are the herinite batteries 312 and those are able here nights really terrible for I was here before and after, right? I’m gonna go get dressed for the gym.

Come on. How did you make the case? Come up investment. Yeah, show me your whistle.

Kids are coming up for milking. Go and deal with saliva.

That’s a great whistle. Set the boulder. No. Where is the big bull? You wouldn’t wanna be running until failed at him. Is my gym fit? Think like, and today I’m, I have to go paint though first and then I can’t go to the gym until Adam comes home.

So yeah, I’m just letting them run around and play for a few minutes. A lot of things. So that is her, like any toy dash symphony. I’m just in my swing seat here. I love it. Eva, be nice.

We packed up Amazon Henneses, get some lines and we go need black after a paints really. So it was 57 euro for a tub of paint and it was the same size with my hands. 57 year old Hannity. So we’re at Screw Fix getting some black outdoor pants. Oh, turns out atom actually ordered the stuff from being Q. I’m not sure if it’s so we just went to be in queue for all sediments breakdown.

So I got a Starbucks Karma Lata girls got chocolate coins. So yeah, when you go home there to watch cigarettes. So I am going into the gym today, upper body China, starting master hill and being killed.

I’m sorry, I’m blowed up. It’s gonna cycle all day. Saya kayaknya allah onger karena. Great fun times. Beautiful. I’m about to tackle, excuse me, times in a black before we. Okay, I’m before we put the sheet on the top.

So yeah, wish me luck if he is actually Umbrella Bobby does safari goes soon. I’ll see you all back there. Course, I’m gonna make the dinner. No burgers for lunch. English.