Magical Rope Manipulation: The Art of Illusion and Deception

That I’m. Instead,
I would like to use one of my absolute favorite props.
And all of magic, lords and ladies.
What is this?
Rope. Rope.
Very good. Clearly almost broke an atom in school like I did.
you should all know that rope is going to have two ends and a middle.
The first thing they’re not going to teach you in school
is you can actually take these ends
and pop them right off, leaving you with just middle.
Now, clearly,
you were all so impressed that you forgot to applaud,
and that’s perfectly fine.
No, no, no.
Now it’s cheap. Okay,
imagine doing that, but you have no hair at all.
now. But driven by your applications,
what I will do is give these ends a little twist
like I did before. Give a little blow like this,
causing the ends to go right back to where they are supposed to go.
All right,
that felt so forced.
But if I give these a little.
Another twist, I’ll even take it a step further.
I will secure these ends on with a nice knot.
Now we have a middle. We have a knot.
Oh, I do need my Scissors.
Please bear with me.
And don’t laugh. They’re very sharp.
I said don’t laugh. They’re very sharp.
so that’s two ends, a middle,
and a knot.
Of course, if you don’t like the knot there,
you can always move the knot down here.
Or if You don’t like the knot there,
you can always move it all the way over to here.
Or if you don’t like the knot at all,
you can actually take the knot off,
and the rope is perfectly fine.
Is that better?
All right.