Tomorrow’s Tuesday Reset: A Guide to the New Exotic Mission and More in Destiny 2

We’re getting a new exotic mission on tomorrow’s Tuesday Reset.
This might just be the biggest one yet.
Since tomorrow is a start of Act 3.
This means today is your last day to get your soul sis loot
as Soul Sis goes away. Also,
Zurg goes away until next weekend,
so definitely go to heaven and pick up your exotic class item.
You might have enough coins to even buy two of them.
But what you should expect for the exotic mission
as Bungie’s had a clear blueprint for these for the last few years.
Hopefully the first time we clear it,
we get the exotic. There might be some other exotic quest steps
outside the exotic mission
to complete. And each week
go back in on the legend difficulty to get the different upgrades
for this exotic AS most likely will be craftable,
but stay tuned if there’s any secrets in the mission,
anything complex. I’ll make sure to make a guide for you.
Let me know in the comments!
What role you got on the bow from solstice and the rockets?
I wanted a reconstruction Bayonetta switch rocket
to pair with my euphony exotic linear,
but I was too busy playing Warframe.
I’m also curious what games you have been playing
with the downtime from Destiny 2
this new episode model is basically worse than the seasonal model
as far as a lot of content to play.
It was actually before the layoffs
personally Sort of started to take a step back from destiny content
once I’ve seen the launch of Act 2
and the kind of content will be getting with these updates.