The Journey of Vision: Navigating Through the Seasons of Fulfillment

So whenever there’s a vision,
the season of announcement is not the season of fulfillment.
The season you see it, not the season you get it.
And when it comes to vision,
there are two stages we all love.
We love the beginning. That’s when we see it.
We love the end. That’s when we get it.
But whether or not you get to the end in based on the beginning.
It’s based on how you handle the middle.
And the devil starts messing in the middle.
The devil starts discouraging in the middle.
The devil tries to detour you in the middle.
But let me just pray this over you real quick,
and I can get back to this message.
I pray that this is a season where you are.
I’m about to make up a word. Undestructible.
Imma say it one more time.
I’m making up a word.
I pray this is a season where you have supernatural focus,
where you don’t even understand where your lock in came from.
Lord, I pray a lock in in your people right now.
Somebody that receives that say, I’m locked in.