Travelogue: The Comedic Chaos of a Morning Flight

No. So we are all ready to go over the back.
What? It’s 5:00 o’clock in the morning.
It’s actually 4:00 at home then. Yeah,
she’s completely stressed out,
there’s murders.
Actually swears porn off of.
That’s with the laughing. Oh my God.
And that’s the biggest culprit there. Look.
Cause a murder.
To murders trying to get out the door this morning.
Yeah. So we are now.
Now we have to try and figure out this fucking airport.
Wish us luck.
Look how fabulous this airport is.
Let’s look at all the sunflowers all the way down.
Yeah, it’s really nice.
So it is. So right now.
Yeah. Cause they can’t even talk with the anger in them.
Um. Yeah.
So they’re gone to get us coffee and tea,
and we’re standing in the queue to check in the bags.
Yeah, we’re the second people.
Second people. Yeah.
So we’re here fine and early,
and Mister Organization had us all here.
He actually has Lily peace out the door.
And every single time they can’t even talk
because the two of them have the same personality.
They actually go berserk. And the two of them are always laughing.
Yeah, that’s.
Oh my gosh. And then, um,
Julie, then Harris.
Oh my God.
I don’t know what I’m saying.
A meltdown. A meltdown.
She had multiple meltdowns.
Yeah, she had multiple meltdowns.
Oh my God. Yeah. So I’ll keep you posted.
So mission accomplished. We’re on the plane.
None of us.
None of us are talking to each other.
We’d put her over there by herself
cause she’s an absolute fucking lunatic.
So when none of us are talking,
we’ve killed each other.
The whole place knows that we’re killing each other.
We’re sitting right at the back of the plane.
So. Yeah,
she’ll be looking for her mom and dad.
If they’re turbulent, so she will.
Yeah, but none of us are actually talking.
So let’s draw a line, lads,
under Amsterdam and call it an experience. Talk to you soon.