Title: The Importance of Questioning and Holding Elected Officials Accountable: A Discussion on Kamala Harris and Political Accountability

The man who look like me, who quick to she.
If she Kamala won’t my vote,
she need to explain herself to me.
What she gonna do for the black people?
Stop asking a motherfucking black woman to explain they self to you.
If y’all ain’t willing to ask a motherfucking white man
did motherfucking explain himself? Hello?
Who’s this?
Yo, what’s going on, man?
What’s your name, brother?
It’s D. D from where?
Charleston. Okay.
Charleston, 8 4, 3.
What’s happening? What’s your thoughts?
Hey, what’s up, Charles, man?
Hey, man,
I want to say this. I’m all the way mad at plies,
but it’s coming. Hey,
Williams, stand up.
You can’t be a smart, dumb brother,
you know, like that cat.
Like, it’s smart to question the white man,
but at the same time, you can’t be ignorant
not to question anybody who’s running for anything.
I agree.
You know, I’m saying they got that problem in the say.
Show me a rich politician,
I’ll show you a corrupt one.
We can’t say, yeah,
we grew up with this lady.
We don’t know her like that. Respectfully,
like, it’s not his aunt.
He speaks like his aunt or something.
And listen, because a lot of people feel like that about her, though.
And by the way, Kitty, respectfully,
I get it, but it.
But she ain’t. Hey,
I’m saying this as a supporter of the vice president.
Okay. Uh,
yes, question her.
Yes, ask her to explain herself.
And I don’t know why we do this with every democratic candidate.
Black people don’t question Joe Biden.
Don’t question Kamala Harris.
Cut it out. Black people don’t settle,
ask questions. Make these presidential candidates explain themselves,
especially if you are undecided with your vote.
Yeah, Kamala.
Cool. Underscore 0 0 7.
I think he put it right. He said,
this sounds silly.
Y’all are supposed to question the people who are representing you.
You just don’t want somebody that you don’t know what they are.
Are. Are focused on or what their policies are.
You are supposed to question the people that represent us.
It just sounds right. Stop.
It implies. Implies you’re offending the vice president.
She wouldn’t want that, cause she knows what comes with this.
She’s been in politics for a long time.
The VP is tougher than most.
Trust me,
she. Soon as she became at the top of the ticket,
even before that, she knew what comes with all of this.
Don’t get me wrong, she’s still a human being at the end of the day,
but trust me, she’s.
She’s built for the scrutiny,
she’s built for the criticism.
She’s built to have to go out there
and explain herself to the American people.
And like Charlemagne said, and.
And Lauren said this as well.
You should be questioning everybody.
Your local Congress people,
your mayors, the people that represent your district,
the people that you are voting for,
even the. Even the Principal at your school,
you should be questioning those people that represent you.
That’s gonna be pushing policies that’s supposed to be affecting you.
You’re supposed to be questioning all these people.
I’ve been supporting.
I’ve been supporting Kamala Harris since she was in the Senate
in 2,018. When we first bought her up here on The Breakfast Club.
And I sat here and looked at her and told her,
I think she’s gonna be president of the United States of America
one day. And I think god is setting us up for a woman of color
president in 2020. I’m with it.
I think that it’s Senator Kamala Harris.
I think she’s our future president.
I’m with it. And I hope she.
Hope god puts his hands on her and says,
you know what? I want you to do this.
All right? That’s what I hope so as well.
God’s plan. Put that on your playlist, too.
By drink. And guess what?
Throughout that whole time,
I’ve supported her, but I’ve also been critical of her.
I’ve also asked her tough questions.
That’s just what you’re supposed to do.
don’t listen to nobody telling you that you shouldn’t be asking these,
uh, elected officials,
and these people run up for office to explain themselves.
That’s the whole point of campaigning.
I agree. Then go out there and explain yourself to people.
I agree. Come on, plies.