Title: The Challenge of Trusting Others: Overcoming the Fear of Betrayal and Ulterior Motives

I’ve had to work on trusting other people’s intentions
and that they didn’t just have some ulterior motive.
They didn’t just have some agenda
that I wasn’t just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
And the. The problem with being like that,
of course, of not trusting people,
is that it meant I was always
kind of looking for that moment when someone would betray me.
I was always looking for that moment
when someone would do something that would reflect an ulterior motive,
that agenda. And of course,
when you’re looking for that,
you’ll always find it. You’ll.
You’ll either find it in something big
or you’ll find it in something small.
And the reason you’ll always find it is because people are people.
People are complex. If you’re looking for the bad side of people,
you will always find it.
Because there’ll always be a dark side to people.
There’ll always be a selfish side to people.
There’ll always be a moment where someone.
Someone’s better intentions or better side gives way to a moment of.
Of selfishness or a moment of carelessness or a moment of ignorance.
You’ll always find it.