Powerful Prayer for Peace, Joy, and Healing: A Message of Hope and Encouragement

Don’t watch this video if you don’t want me to pray for you.
Heavenly Father,
I’m lifting up this person on the other side of this screen.
They did not come across this video on accident.
I pray you. Bring peace to their anxiety.
Bring joy to their sadness.
Bring light to any darkness in their life.
Bring victory to any defeat.
Bring healing to any sickness.
Bring answers to any questions this person has.
Give them clarity and wisdom to know what to do.
And give them the courage to go out and do it.
If this person feels lonely and tired,
Jesus, you are the greatest friend that they could ever have.
And you are the only one that can give them true rest.
I pray right now this person is recharged and refreshed.
Give them energy in their body and rest in their soul.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.