Getting Ready for Audition Filming and Ice Cream Date Vlog

Get ready with me to get ready to film an audition. Like, why was that so complicated for me to say? I don’t understand. I’m getting ready now. Yeah, just cuz I have like a little small audition thing to film. And tonight your girl has her first date of Arizona. It’s a boy from hinge. And my age is 5,10, which, you know, is what it is. So we’re going to walk around and get ice cream. He asked me if I want to go to a shop and get ice cream or if he should just surprise me with a pint that he picks up. And I’m a little confused by that. Like, is this gonna be Ben and Jerry’s like low key? I’m not gonna lie to you. I am hoping that it’s a little bit of like an artisanal sort of ice cream. I am excited for the surprise because I think maybe that means he’s putting in a little bit of effort, which is exciting. I just think it’s time for me to get back out there, ladies. Like I just made a video saying that I’m so excited to find my person. And what do I think? They’re just gonna like appear out of thin air?

Like, no, I’ve been trying to make it a bit of a point to do a little bit more natural makeup because, well, for auditions, I like to do natural makeup anyway. Just feel like sometimes when I put on too much makeup, I end up not liking how it looks. Cuz it’s hard, honestly, sometimes to do makeup when you have freckles, in my opinion. I will say the one thing that I’m really wanting to switch up in my makeup routine is my eyebrow routine because I just feel like it just hasn’t been hitting like it used to. Like, I don’t know if I ever had necessarily the best eyebrows, but I just haven’t really been liking them as much as I used to. And I don’t know if it’s the product or what, but I feel like I need to try something new. I just feel like whenever I do them, no matter how much product I put in, like there’s always a sparse spot. And also there’s something with blush. I’m just honestly vending about how my makeups been lately, but I just feel like it’s not blunt. My blush is not blending in with my concealer and it makes a very obvious like distinction between where my concealer is under my eyes and where the blush is. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been using Elf products and Elf is a good brand, but maybe because it’s a bit cheaper, it just doesn’t blend as well. Just don’t understand. Okay, no offense, but what the hell is that line? What’s this line right here? What’s that from?

I’m so confused. Anyway, onto eyebrows. So lately I’ve been using the Anastasia brow with, right? Yes, I feel like I have weird eyebrows. Like what the hell? Like so bushy here. And like weirdly the angle they come about is weird. No matter how much I brush them out, sometimes I feel like when I do my eyebrows, I need to do them like this and just fill in these sparse spots here. Obviously, nobody’s looking at my makeup like that unless you’re tall. And that’s why I should start doing my makeup like this so that tall boys will be more attractive than me. Maybe just gotta like show you guys the specifics of what I don’t like about the browse when they’re done. Like what does parse about there? I freaking filled it in so much. How are they to fill in? Like, I just feel like they’re so dark now. I gotta add brow gel. We’ll kind of see how it all come together. Honestly, they’re a little dark, but today’s actually a good eyebrow day. But now moving on to eyeshadow, using the same path that I’ve used literally for the past like seven years, I just usually go for like a neutral tone. I usually put like a brown shadow all over my lid. Sometimes I’ll do a darker one, but probably won’t today. This is about it for the eyeshadow. And then I do settings right now because my last thing is just my mascara and it kind of takes a while to drive. So I don’t like to get it wet with this. And this is what it looks like when it’s complete. Let me take my hair down and maybe change my outfit. Also, side note, I’m rerouching Dexter. He’s supposed to be, I’m pretty sure, 18 in the scene. Who are you fooling? Okay, I’ve been wearing this shirt, honestly, so much since I got it, but it’s might be cute. I’m wearing spandex on the bottom, so just ignore that. Anyway, thank you guys for watching. Wish me luck. Okay. And with the audition, I guess. Thanks for watching.