Title suggestion: The Chronicles of Fall: A Hilarious Day at Work

is that who I think it is?
That autumn? He don’t like to be called autumn, okay?
It makes him feel weird. Says real feminine.
He likes to be called fall.
Well, that’s his name.
How’s he gonna be a verb? It’s action.
Is she going to work? Yeah.
Now on, everybody call me swim. Haha! Don’t call him autumn.
Fall, what’s up?
You ready to work? No,
no, I’m not working yet.
I just. I came to grab this cooler.
Football started today? Yeah,
I taught a game today. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Florida State, Georgia Tech.
I saw that. Oh,
come on now. I got to get off work.
Mama nudge, I’m tired.
Why does he get to tell you when he wants to go to work?
Look, he is dead.
He’s part time. He’s a temp.
Haha. Mama nature.
I didn’t know
we could use the company coolers and stuff for football parties.
autumn. Fall.
Don’t call me autumn. I go by fall.
Sorry, sorry,
sorry. Fall.
I’m calling him Autumn Cause that’s his name.
It was my nickname when I was a kid.
My uncle, my daddy,
everybody used to call me fall.
I couldn’t walk right till I was about seven.
When you think you’re gonna, uh.
You know.
Yeah. Can we.
When can you come to work?
Hey, just give me a couple more weeks.
I’ll start working a little bit more,
but. A couple more weeks?
He. Did he say week?
The Word? The word.
He just said weeks. What you mean weeks? Why?
Why? I got to get off work,
Mama nudge. I’m tired, man.
Come to work. Just a couple more weeks.
All right? I got you.
You know what? I’ll be honest with y’all.
I hate this job. I really do.
I hate it. I used to love it.
I used to love it, but then the times have changed
and people start getting more and tied on it,
so I can’t stand managing y’all.
Y’all stay mad about something.
Hey, no, Michael,
come to work. Why are you hiring? Temps, mama nature.
Haha. Just bring winter in.
Hate. Humidity, right?
Come on, let’s go swimming a little bit.
Cool down. Hate.
Look at what? He’s overheating.
Mama nature. Yeah,
let’s go swimming. This is crazy.
Oh, verb out there. Verb?
I was calling verb. Hey,
what’s up, verb?
Please. God,
I’m tired. Heat.
Get off the ground, go to work.
You’re still on the clock.
Please. I’m laying in the out bed to make this video. Escape.
Bite me, Mama,
don’t you? Please. God,
I hate it here.