Troll Drama, Steak Breakfast, and Cheesy Lunches: A Day in the Life of a Foodie Couple

Imagine all the sad little trolls hiding behind their fake accounts,
leaving nasty comments about me and Leah.
We’re out here eating steak for breakfast.
Sucks to be you. You’ve come to the Beef Eater.
This morning we got chip steak and pepper corn sauce.
Are you a poorer or a dipper?
I’m a dipper. This food was stunning.
Proper nice and a proper bargain.
After Brackie,
we decided to go for a little date around the garden centre.
People always ask if me and Leah are married or if we’re cousins.
The answer is neither. She’s my girlfriend and my sister.
And although that might seem strange, you.
It’s very normal in Wales.
In the Cardiff version of David Beckham and Posh Spice.
Look at the lips on that fish.
That’s at least one millifiller.
Hook her up and give me a kiss for fishy.
Come to my mum’s for lunch today.
He made me a ham, cheese and onion chia batter
and this was 10:10. What sauce are you?
Mayo or ketchup? Saucy.
Taking Baby Bell out for a walk.
He named her after the cheese.
Did you know Baby Bells are lactose free?
She’s the cutest dog in the world.
Her tea. Tonight he has rustled up some pesto pasta
straight from the packet. Italy.
Watch out, pasta!
Love Easter, baby.
Hope you’ve all had a good bank holiday.