From Greggs to Bristol: A Day of Balance and Indulgence

Although I’ve had four takeaways today,
I’ve still been a lot healthier and more active than usual.
I woke up at 8:00am this morning
to go for breakfast with my mum and stepdad.
We went to Greggs. I was dying for a corned beef pasty,
but I went for the healthier option and got a baguette instead.
I drove home at 10 to pick the girls up
cause we’re off to Bristol today.
They wanted to stop for breakfast,
so I had breakfast No.2, another Greggs.
This was the second time today I’ve rejected a corned beef pasty.
For my heart and soul, I went for this Mexican chicken pitta bread
and I even kept the salad in it.
We’ve just arrived at Bristol.
Come to Tartan Titan.
This the world’s longest inflatable assault course.
When I tell you, my body hurts,
I’m in physical pain. This was a workout and a half.
It feels like I’ve just done told the France for our workout.
We’re all a bit shaky, so we need some chocolate.
We had a Friday which for coming to Macky D’s.
I’m so hungry right now, I could collapse on the floor.
I wanna order at least three meals,
but I’ve decided to be good and get just one large meal
and some nuggets on the side.
I went for the double Big Mac and it was 10 out of ten.
I’ve never felt more worthy of a treat before in my life.
But we Worked up a sweat today.
Stopped in the shop to get some pop and look what I’ve just seen.
A Rolo Friel. Though I’m trying to be good,
I couldn’t say no. Like,
we’ve ordered kebab for tea. Happy bank holiday.